DragonNPCHandle - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki
title: DragonNPCHandle permalink: /DragonNPCHandle/
Rune Knight Dragon : NPC Handle
This page is a short explanation of the available functions to handle RK Dragons
Allows you to check if the player is mounting a dragon. Example below
if( checkdragon() )
dispbottom "You are mounting!";
dispbottom "You are not mounting";
setdragon({optional Color})
Allows you to set a player to mount a dragon with a color of your choice. It's only param Color allows you to set which of the color the dragon will be, there are 5 options
- 1 : Green Dragon
- 2 : Brown Dragon
- 3 : Gray Dragon
- 4 : Blue Dragon
- 5 : Red Dragon
When color is not provided the green dragon will be used, below is an Example with conjunction of checkdragon()
if( checkdragon() ) {
mes "You are already mounting";
} else {
mes "Select the color of your dragon";
set .@choice,select("Green Dragon","Brown Dragon","Gray Dragon","Blue Dragon","Red Dragon");
//Notice we pass the number of the chosen menu to setdragon so it picks the color the user wants
- r15009 Added from RREMu.