BrowEdit - Jeybla/rathena GitHub Wiki
BrowEdit is a Ragnarok Online map editor made by Borf.
Using BrowEdit may seem confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it it seems less intimidating.
Right Click Drag = Moves map around Shift + Right Click Drag = Zoom in/out Left click = Select/Place U key = Undo
Configuring BrowEdit is important. If you start without configuring it then it won't know where your grfs are and it may be too big for your screen. Navigate to your BrowEdit folder, then go into data and then configs. Open rodesktop.xml with a text editor. You will need to change your RO directory and GRF locations. You can either have the program full screened, or change resx and resy to whatever number you want (there are two of these values, change them both to change your screen resolution), and change the fullscreen option to false. 800x600 is a nice resolution. This will be all we're covering for configuration.
Open BrowEdit, then select File and then New. Input the width and height, remember that a little goes a long ways. In this tutorial we'll be using 50x50. You can use shift+right click drag to zoom in and out, or use your mouse's wheel. You should see a plain yellow surface, and underneath that is water.
Click the windows tab, then select textures, or you can press the T key to bring up the textures window. If your GRF and RO directory settings are correct, you should see a bunch of images and folders. If your map is going to be all land (or land with water) then you will need to make the edges black. If its going to be like an island, you won't need this. The black texture is located in the very first folder, RO. In the last folder, before the custom folder, is where all the ground textures are, so select that and then either click the down button or click the scroll button and look for a texture you like. Once you have found one, click it once, then click the x to exit that window. Now you should see one large square with the texture you selected, and one large empty square. Click and drag on the square with your selected texture, and highlight that entire square. Then click Edit, then select "Select All Tiles", then click Edit again and select "Fill area with selected texture".
Using the = and - keys resizes your texture, space rotates it, [ and ] lets you scroll though the maps texture list, H and V change the texture's horizontal and vertical facing of the selected texture and [ and ] to change which texture is selected. Gravity uses the tiles at half normal scale in their maps as well as having them at other scaled sizes (Including some that Browedit can't do) so look at official maps for the scale of things. In case you do a miss take you can use the undo key U to undo it. To do invisible tiles simply use the backspace key to change the area covered by your tile brush (that has a texture selected) to do invisible tiles.
Select Edit then Detailed terrain edit..., then select a number. The number is the number of tiles you will move at once. 1 is one tile, 2 is two tiles, ect. Left click to make the terrain go up, left click and hold to make it go up fast, and you can hold the right click and left click to make it go the opposite way.
You can use F for a sharp slope, or S for a smooth slope. You can also select Edit then Sloping, then click on the area you want to slope. You can only slope with a detailed terrain edit number higher than 1. It works the same as height, left click to make it slope up, left and right click to make it slope down. The area is the size of your height editing tool grid which can be changed with the = and - keys.
Welcome to the BrowEdit Video Tutorial Section |
About BrowEdit Video Tutorials BrowEdit also known as "Borf's Ragnarok Online World Editor" is a graphics design program used to create fully functional Ragnarok maps. The following video tutorials provided below teaches those who have little to no knowledge working with BrowEdit by providing the fundamentals of using BrowEdit and understanding how to create a proper map. Simply follow the list of tutorial by starting from BrowEdit Tutorial #1 and then proceeding to the next consecutive number. |
Tutorial List Visit the following link for the tutorial videos: |