Ongoing and Completed Plans - JesterlJoker/The-Four-Horsemen-Project GitHub Wiki

Progress Current Version 0.1.1 Alpha

  • I have been off lately, I changed the saving system to sqlite but I won't tell which one though.
  • Login / Registration System
    • Includes: Email system, referral system, birthdate system
  • Discord bot system
    • This will use Jokers algorithm's, explained below (Still a learning curve but will eventually work sooner than later)
  • Item System
    • Will be added after Business System is finished
    • Food List:(Food list can still be updated. I can add what you want just create an issue as a suggestion) Note: This food list are from different delicacies around the world. I did this for a reason.
      • Diners and other eatery establishments
        • Hamburger
          • with salad dish
          • no salad dish
        • Fried Chicken
          • spicy
          • regular
        • Rice
          • Regular
          • Mixed
        • Noodles
          • Spicy Ramen
          • Regular Ramen
          • Misua Spicy
          • Misua Regular
          • Spaghetti
          • Macaronni
      • 24/7, 7/11, Groceries, etc
        • Chips
          • Chippy
          • Nova
          • Piatos
          • Cheetos
          • Tattoos
          • Tortillas
        • Biscuits
          • Skyflakes
          • Magic Flakes
          • Bourbon Biscuits
          • Cadbury Fingers
        • Candies
          • Max Note 2: All of this food will have a healing ability, some would be Regeneration, some would direct impact, and some would be direct impact with decreasing effect. Some of this food would also heal only up to 50% of the players health. More in depth detail will be showed soon. Note 3: Most of this food will decrease thirst depending on what they are. It will be a big research and study but it will surely happen.
    • Drink List:(Just like food it can still be updated) Note: Also the same as above I try to do the variety
      • Coke(I don't have an idea if I should rename this or remove this and create another drink)
      • Bright - From Sprite
      • Lipy - From Pepsi
      • Loyal - From Royal Note 2: Drinks will have a rejuvenating effect on thirst and also slowly recovers health for the player
    • Item List:
      • Cellphone
      • Radio
      • Walkie Talkie - For short distance contact(hopefully someone would be given an idea to create a short distance in-game voice chat, hopefully but if it doesn't let's stick to chat)
      • Cuff or Binds - This is for those who wish to kidnap people, cuff for the hand and binds for the mouth and eyes.
      • Watch and Clocks - Watches for player and clocks for houses.(This idea is somewhat vague yet, I had this last night and forgot to type it in. I can't seem to remember what I wanted to do with this hopefully I'll remember) Note: More to come so chill, I hope someone can create a suggestion up top.
    • Accessories or Toys List: (This will be taught out well in the near future, for now I'll leave it there so I won't forget)
  • Weapon System
    • Will be added after Business System is finished
    • All weapons along with there ammos will be added
    • Non realistic but logically priced weapon and ammo
    • Weapons and Ammos will be on different pages
  • Drug System
    • Will be added after Business System is finished
    • Types: Pot, Crack
      • Prices will be different
      • Pot will effect a user through his vision, wavey vision, and wavey movements
      • Crack will have high stamina but ones its consumption expires the user will not be able to jog and only maintain walk for an amount of time
  • Door System
    • Includes: Virtual and Interior Location
    • Locks and Pass keys
    • Names and Ownership
    • Type: Normal Door, Government Doors, House Doors, Business Doors, VIP doors, Donator Doors, Admin Doors
    • Normal Doors will be seldomly used in the server
    • Government doors will have restriction to their users if they wish
    • House Doors will also have restriction to their users if they wish: locks and passkeys
    • Business Doors will have closing and opening. An owner can close anytime they want.
    • Debating to myself if Business doors will close during sundays or will only operate half day. (A good reason for this is Sundays should be family day, I don't care how people spend it but the server should also do this to encourage family day)
    • The remaining doors will be restricted to regular players and to their various uses
    • Doors will be removed according to their location ones a remap has been made.
  • Government System
    • Includes: Dynamic Door System(Type: Government Door)
      • Faction System
      • Factions will have four factions: Police, Medic, Special Forces, Secret Service
      • The Mayor and his cabinets will not be part of any Faction but will have rule over this factions
      • The secret service will only, and should not stray, on protecting the Mayor and the cabinets with which the Mayor as the first priority
      • Police Faction will have Four Departments: Patrol Department, Criminal Department, Raid Department, Investigation Department
      • Medic Faction will have Two Department: Roaming department and Hospital department
      • Special Forces will have Three Departments: FBI, CIA, and Government Task Force
      • FBI and CIA will be an independent entity but will still follow Mayor Protocol if in code Red and above
      • Government Task Force and Raid Department will only be allowed to raid if they are permitted to
      • Secret Service will have Two Departments: The Royal Bodyguards and the Secret Agents
  • Bank System
    • Includes: Dynamic Door System(Type: Bank Door)
      • Will have ATMS in various areas in the city, is dynamic but cannot be owned by players
      • Will have one Main bank in a city and smaller banks within the area
      • Will be mostly owned by the government but the government will not be allowed to touch any personal money
      • Will have personal safety deposit boxes for various people. Limitations will be lifted depending on Donator Rank or VIP level
  • Apartment System
    • Includes: Dynamic Door System(Type: Apartment Door) and Food System
      • Will be placed in various places in the map, which obviously looks as an apartment
      • Will also pay taxes towards the Government but will only do so if a player is renting a room
      • Depositing of items will be allowed to apartment owners, left items will be available on the counter
      • Rooms will vary in sizes and in bed(Different Model Designs will be made in the future, make it work first)
      • A player with a bank account will have their bank account deducted if they do not pay over the counter for an extension(You will be asked to cancel your room if you wish)
  • House System
    • Includes: Dynamic Door System(Type: House Door)
      • Regulars will be allowed to only own two houses with which should be on a different city
      • Only VIP and Donators will be allowed to have two houses in one city
      • Delivery System(Will be implemented once the Business system will be implemented)
      • Houses will have fire alarms and robbery alarm(Although fire alarms might come in the near future)
      • Players will be allowed to deposit every item they own in the house.
  • Business System
    • Includes: Dynamic Door System(Type: Business Door)
    • Types: Convenient Store, Marketplace, Restaurant, Guns, ammunition and armor store, Night clubs(Although I don't know how to make this work yet), Casino(In the long run yes this will come out), Hardware store, Phone store(Yes there will be phone brands inside the game, the same thing to do, can send message and everything but will have different other things inside, it's a surprise you'll see), Telephone and fax(so to make things easy a telephone and fax will be delivered to a house at the same time, a message can be saved through the telephone which a person can read and also the fax machine will also have its own function)
    • Can be locked
    • Has pass code
    • Has its own safe
    • Robbery able(on the long run yes, I just want to make everything functional first)
    • Delivery dependent(on the long run yes, since on the start there would be less people and delivery system would be stupid and make business less appealing in the start)
  • Vehicle System
    • Will have fuel system
    • Manual Vehicle settings
    • Can be turned on using car keys
    • Thinking of more ideas
  • Reward System
    • Referral System Reward
    • Deathmatch Reward
    • Leveling up reward
    • Being top deathmatcher in a week.
    • Stunts(Ones I figure out how to create my own stunt system this will happen)
  • Admin System
    • Three Types: General Public Admins(Helpers in some servers, but will function not just as helpers but will also be able to do some admin stuff at a minor level), General Group Admins(Factions, Gangs, and Other Group intended Admins) and General Admins(The main admins)
    • GPA's will only have one rank and everyone answers to GA's
    • GGA's will only have one rank and everyone answers to GA's
    • GA's will have four ranks: Interim Admins, Senior Admins, Vice Admin, Server Admin
    • GA's will only answer to Server Owner, directly.
  • Deathmatch System
    • Basic one on one, two on two, five on five deathmatching in a controlled environment
    • Team Deathmatches which will be higher than five and above
    • Battle Royal
    • All of this systems will have rewards for use to buy stuff
  • VIP and Donator System
    • VIP will be those who buys VIP on the system, Donator on the otherhand are those who contributed for the benefit of the server
    • VIP will have more privilege than Donators but will not have the special privilege commands
    • Donators will have Privilege Ranks: Bronze Donator, Silver Donator, Gold Donator
    • VIP will have four levels: VIP 1, VIP 2, VIP 3, VIP 4
  • Remapping
    • The whole San Andreas map will be remapped according to its external design adding interior within
    • Doors will be opened through pushes or by pressing F, depends on how my mind wants it
    • Doors will also be able to restrict users from entering if they are not allowed
    • Interiors will be made and some of this interiors will be made useable.(In theory its possible it depends on how heavy it is for everyone)
    • Traffic Lights will be made fully functional and speed limits will be given cameras for monitor.(A need for speed idea)
    • More ideas to be added
  • System Bots
    • Bot names: Jester and Joker
    • Jester functions as the mostly system checker and serious type bot
    • Joker will be the dillusional and non-stop talkative bot, will talk for information to all.
    • Will try to make them into deep learning ai's for sa-mp, although it might be a heavy loaded one.
    • Will be aimed to become a helpful bot for all servers who wish to use them
    • No they don't work together, they are not the same entity either, They are different personas
  • JJ Library
    • Includes that does system checks, useful functions, anti-cheats, anti-hacks, anti-bugs
    • Just like most libraries it is aimed to be useful for all servers
    • Being debated, by myself, if it should be automatic or manually called as callbacks(for anti-cheats, anti-hacks, and anti-backs)
    • Also still being debated if should be done during gamemode development or after development
    • Also being debated if their should be a plugin or not.(but for some reason my brain decided it to be only include and should use memory hacks and stuff, and I'm dying just reading one line on the memory hacks being discussed through out the forums.)