Development History - JesterlJoker/The-Four-Horsemen-Project GitHub Wiki
Version 0.0.1a
- The creation of login and registration system
- Textdraws for main menu and textdraw for confirming registration credentials
- Security on login and registration system
- Added account creation restriction
- Password length
- Username and password should not match
- Email '@' and '.' should be present
- Email length
- Firstname and Lastname restriction length
- Firstname and Lastname first letter should be capital
- Variable checks
- Player money
- Player health
- Player armor
- Player coins(dependent variable but might be cheated)
- Player Location
- Added The Security Team
- Jester System or the System Checker
- Joker System or the Player Checker
- Earl System or the Overall system. If one of the other system fails Earl System will overrule
- SQLite saving system finalized
Version Remarks:
Okay I may have strayed from just the login and registration system but this is a must. I think all in all the other sets added will make a good addition in to the server specially its security. I've tested every false positive that the three systems might have but found none so far. Well its still a small part of the script so I think there will be errors and bugs to fix.
*** End of Version History