Interactive Map Visualizations - JessicaOPRD/docs GitHub Wiki

Ideally these are not tile-driven solutions, but simple vector-based visualizations. Most mapping containers rely on vector or raster tiles sourced by an external map provider (such as Leaflet loading OpenStreetMap or Mapbox tiles). Many big players in this space are both the container and the provider (Google Maps, Esri, Mapbox). Here I'm thinking more basic visualizations that should not require tiles. However some vector-tiled solutions are convincing as illustrations and allow room for expanded use/behavior.


Tool Type Notes
D3 JavaScript library ⚪ Follows jQuery conventions (chaining) ⚪ Reads GeoJSON ⚪ Can fine-tune projection, but may require fiddling ⚪ Need to source own base features, which can be ideal for very simple visualizations ⚪ Example here
Mapbox GL JS JavaScript container ⚪ Optimized for vector layers ⚪ Tile-driven — you need a source, so it is a container ⚪ Washington Post uses for at least recent map visualizations


Tool Type Notes
ai2html Adobe Illustrator to SVG plugin ⚪ Made and used by New York Times for map visualizations ⚪ May be outdated and/or not work with newer versions of Illustrator, but seems to be getting used by NYT in 2021

Helpful links

🔗 Top 19 geovisualization tools
