Image Formats - JessicaOPRD/docs GitHub Wiki

Lossy Static

We are slowly leaving behind the world of JPEG.

Type Popular Uses Description
HEIF OS 🟢 Reduce JPEG file size by about 50% without quality loss ⚪ Adopted natively in Apple operating systems beginning 2017 (HEIC) 🟡 Has caused confusion to users who attempt to upload images to services or other operating systems that don't recognize the format
WebP Web browser 🟢 Better compression and higher image quality than JPEG and PNG, while supporting transparency and animation ⚪ Developed by Google, specifically for use on the web ⚪ Open source release 2011 ⚪ Supported in all major web browsers, Adobe Photoshop, and GIMP by about 2020 🟡 Has caused confusion to users who attempt to upload images to services or other operating systems that don't recognize the format — however the user can force webp to jpg by changing the file extension through the file explorer (Mac)
AVIF Web browser 🟢 Better compression and higher image quality than JPEG, PNG, and WebP, while supporting transparency ⚪ Open source release 2019 ⚪ Supported in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Adobe Photoshop, and GIMP by about 2023 🟡 Same upload issue as WebP, but more difficult to fix with simple rename (Mac)

More Resources

🔗 MDN: Image file type and format guide