FAQ - Jeryia/StarD-Ares GitHub Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

I just installed Ares. Why doesn't it assign me to a faction and complain that no one is on?

Answer: You are set as an administrator in the admins.txt file located in /var/starmade/StarMade/admins.txt. Modify that so that you are not listed as an admin. If the file is blank, put something in there as if it's blank everyone is an admin.

I cleared out a control point's sector, but it complains that that sector is under attack

Be sure you check for turrets and docked entities, as those count when Ares does it's checks.

The server keeps complaining that it cannot load an object. What's going on?

I'd check the logs in /var/starmade/stard/log/plugins/Ares/Ares-daemon. However, be sure you added the blueprints to your server as requested in the Installation instructions.