Administration - Jeryia/StarD-Ares GitHub Wiki


Things to note

  • If you are in the admin.txt file. You have special privileges in Ares. The game will not assign you to a faction and you will not trigger any actions in Ares like normal players do. This is to allow you to freely move around and well administer the game. You are considered out of scope to the game.
  • After every game all player created entities are destroyed


The main configuration file is located in the Ares plugin folder called ares.cfg. If you used a regular install of StarD and installed Ares, this will be located in /var/starmade/stard/plugins/Ares/ares.cfg. Comments should be above each entry telling you what the entry does. Here's a sample:

# Automatically stards a new game on the completion of the last one.
# Does nothing at this time
# Number of teams (don't mess with this unless you know what your doing
# Number of crdits per second to give players multiplied by the value of the stations they own
# does nothing at this time
# default map to begin new games with
# how often the deamon polls the server for information
# Minumum non admin player required to start a game
# Time (in minutes) to give players before the game 
# starts (so they can upload blueprints, stragegize, whatever.
# Center of the map (this needs to be the center of a system or things get crazy)
map_center=8 8 8
# Time in seconds that it takes to capture a capturable station
# Credits player start with.


All maps are located inside the Maps folder in /var/starmade/stard/plugins/Ares/Maps. The default game comes with 3 maps: junkyard, tug_of_war, and ring_of_fire. For Information on creating your own maps or modifying existing ones, please see Map Creation