5. Source Files & Game Assets Descriptions - JeremyAngCH/spyship GitHub Wiki

Python Code

Files Descriptions
asteroid.py Class for rocks floating in space.
audio.py Module for loading/playing sound effects and background music.
baseobj.py Base class for game objects.
bmptext.py Class for rendering bitmap text on screen.
bullet.py Class for player and enemy's bullets.
cockpitLEDHUD.py Module for drawing animations on Sense HAT's 8x8 RGB LED matrix.
enemy01.py Class for fast flying alien spaceship with no shooting capability.
enemy02.py Class for slower flying alien spaceship with shooting capability.
enemy03.py Class for fast flying rotating space rocket.
enemy04.py Class for big green alien spaceship with wide shooting angle.
enemy05.py Class for big red alien spaceship with rotating cannon.
explosion.py Class for explosion animation for spaceship.
gameconfig.py Global game configurations.
gamehitobj.py Class for destructible game object.
gameinputs.py Module for reading inputs from keyboard / Sense HAT.
gameobj.py Class for all moving game objects.
gameoverscr.py Module for game over screen.
hpbar.py Class for player's health point bar indicator.
imgobj.py Class for rendering static image on screen.
main.py Main game loop. (Game entry point)
persistence.py Module for loading/saving game settings, high scores and rankings into storage.
playership.py Class for the player's ship.
powerup.py Class for power-up.
rankingscr.py Module for high score ranking screen.
scenemanager.py Class for managing and updating the states of game objects.
shipfire.py Class for the spaceship's fire animations.
shipobj.py Base class for player and enemy's spaceship.
sincoslookup.py Fast Sine/Cosine look up tables.
spacebg.py Class for scrolling space background.
spawnmanager.py Module for handling the spawn rates of various enemies.
spritesheet.py Class for extracting animation frames from the image file.
titlescr.py Module for title / main menu screen.


Files Descriptions
res/img/steroid01.png Dark gray asteroid.
res/img/asteroid02.png Dark brown asteroid.
res/img/bullet01.png Player's bullet.
res/img/bullet02.png Enemy's bullet.
res/img/character01.png Smaller bitmap fonts.
res/img/character02.png Bigger bitmap fonts.
res/img/enemyship01.png Enemy01
res/img/enemyship02.png Enemy02
res/img/enemyship03.png Enemy03
res/img/enemyship04.png Enemy04
res/img/enemyship05.png Enemy05
res/img/explosion01.png Explosion for all spaceships.
res/img/explosion02.png Small explosion when player's spaceship is hit by bullet.
res/img/fire01.png Fire for player's spaceship.
res/img/fire02.png Fire for enemy's spaceship.
res/img/gameover.png "Game Over"
res/img/highscores.png "High Scores"
res/img/hpbar.png Player's health point bar indicator.
res/img/playershield.png Player's protection shield.
res/img/playership.png Player's spaceship.
res/img/powerup01.png Health point power-up.
res/img/spacebg.png Space background image.
res/img/title.png Game's title "SPYSHIP"


Files Descriptions
res/audio/beep.wav Button hit / menu selections.
res/audio/bexp.wav Explosion sound for big enemy spaceship (Enemy04 / Enemy05).
res/audio/bgmusicloop.wav Background music loop.
res/audio/done.wav Done entering player's name for high score ranking.
res/audio/eexp.wav Explosion sound for small enemy spaceship (Enemy01 / Enemy02 / Enemy03).
res/audio/gameover.wav Game over.
res/audio/gamestart.ogg Game start.
res/audio/hit.wav Player's ship being hit by bullet.
res/audio/hppowerup.wav Player acquires power-up.
res/audio/pexp.wav Explosion sound for player's spaceship.
res/audio/pshoot.wav Player's shooting sound effect.