5. Source Files & Game Assets Descriptions - JeremyAngCH/spyship GitHub Wiki
Python Code
Files | Descriptions |
asteroid.py | Class for rocks floating in space. |
audio.py | Module for loading/playing sound effects and background music. |
baseobj.py | Base class for game objects. |
bmptext.py | Class for rendering bitmap text on screen. |
bullet.py | Class for player and enemy's bullets. |
cockpitLEDHUD.py | Module for drawing animations on Sense HAT's 8x8 RGB LED matrix. |
enemy01.py | Class for fast flying alien spaceship with no shooting capability. |
enemy02.py | Class for slower flying alien spaceship with shooting capability. |
enemy03.py | Class for fast flying rotating space rocket. |
enemy04.py | Class for big green alien spaceship with wide shooting angle. |
enemy05.py | Class for big red alien spaceship with rotating cannon. |
explosion.py | Class for explosion animation for spaceship. |
gameconfig.py | Global game configurations. |
gamehitobj.py | Class for destructible game object. |
gameinputs.py | Module for reading inputs from keyboard / Sense HAT. |
gameobj.py | Class for all moving game objects. |
gameoverscr.py | Module for game over screen. |
hpbar.py | Class for player's health point bar indicator. |
imgobj.py | Class for rendering static image on screen. |
main.py | Main game loop. (Game entry point) |
persistence.py | Module for loading/saving game settings, high scores and rankings into storage. |
playership.py | Class for the player's ship. |
powerup.py | Class for power-up. |
rankingscr.py | Module for high score ranking screen. |
scenemanager.py | Class for managing and updating the states of game objects. |
shipfire.py | Class for the spaceship's fire animations. |
shipobj.py | Base class for player and enemy's spaceship. |
sincoslookup.py | Fast Sine/Cosine look up tables. |
spacebg.py | Class for scrolling space background. |
spawnmanager.py | Module for handling the spawn rates of various enemies. |
spritesheet.py | Class for extracting animation frames from the image file. |
titlescr.py | Module for title / main menu screen. |
Files | Descriptions |
res/img/steroid01.png | Dark gray asteroid. |
res/img/asteroid02.png | Dark brown asteroid. |
res/img/bullet01.png | Player's bullet. |
res/img/bullet02.png | Enemy's bullet. |
res/img/character01.png | Smaller bitmap fonts. |
res/img/character02.png | Bigger bitmap fonts. |
res/img/enemyship01.png | Enemy01 |
res/img/enemyship02.png | Enemy02 |
res/img/enemyship03.png | Enemy03 |
res/img/enemyship04.png | Enemy04 |
res/img/enemyship05.png | Enemy05 |
res/img/explosion01.png | Explosion for all spaceships. |
res/img/explosion02.png | Small explosion when player's spaceship is hit by bullet. |
res/img/fire01.png | Fire for player's spaceship. |
res/img/fire02.png | Fire for enemy's spaceship. |
res/img/gameover.png | "Game Over" |
res/img/highscores.png | "High Scores" |
res/img/hpbar.png | Player's health point bar indicator. |
res/img/playershield.png | Player's protection shield. |
res/img/playership.png | Player's spaceship. |
res/img/powerup01.png | Health point power-up. |
res/img/spacebg.png | Space background image. |
res/img/title.png | Game's title "SPYSHIP" |
Files | Descriptions |
res/audio/beep.wav | Button hit / menu selections. |
res/audio/bexp.wav | Explosion sound for big enemy spaceship (Enemy04 / Enemy05). |
res/audio/bgmusicloop.wav | Background music loop. |
res/audio/done.wav | Done entering player's name for high score ranking. |
res/audio/eexp.wav | Explosion sound for small enemy spaceship (Enemy01 / Enemy02 / Enemy03). |
res/audio/gameover.wav | Game over. |
res/audio/gamestart.ogg | Game start. |
res/audio/hit.wav | Player's ship being hit by bullet. |
res/audio/hppowerup.wav | Player acquires power-up. |
res/audio/pexp.wav | Explosion sound for player's spaceship. |
res/audio/pshoot.wav | Player's shooting sound effect. |