Selectors - JeremS/cljss-core GitHub Wiki
simple selectors
String or keywords are used for simple selectors:
[:div.class1.class2 ...]
=> "div.class1.class2 {...}"
["div.class1.class2" ...]
=> "div.class1.class2 {...}"
combining selectors
Css provide 4 ways to combine selectors
- the descendant combinator, spaced selectors in css, Sequential (vector/list/lasyseq) of selectors in cljss
[[:div :a] ...] => "div a { ... }"
- the children combinator, > character in css, :> or ">" between selectors in cljss
[:div :> :p ...] => "div > p { ... }"
- the siblings combinator, + character in css, :+ or "+" between selectors in cljss
[[:div :+ :p] ...] => "div + p { ... }"
- the general siblings combinator, ~ character in css, "~" between selectors in cljss
[:div "~" :a ...] => "div ~ a { ... }"
We can of course combine them:
[[:section :div :> :p :+ :a :span] ...] => "section div > p + a span { ... }"
We can also use sets to represent list of selectors have the same properties:
[[:.class1 #{:ul :ol} :> :li] ...] => ".class1 ul > li, .class1 ol > li"
Note that you need to enclose your combined selectors in a 'sequential' since the first element of a rule is considered the selector, the being rest property declarations. Thus:
; Not what we want...
[:div :> :p :border [:1px :solid :black]]
;=> "div {>: p; border: 1px solid black;}"
; Better
[:div :> :p] :border [:1px :solid :black](/JeremS/cljss-core/wiki/:div-:>-:p]-:border-[:1px-:solid-:black)
"div > p { border: 1px solid black;}"
pseudos & attribute selectors
Pseudo classes, pseudo elements and attribute selectors are implemented as functions that you can use to enrich a selector. The pseudo class will appear as a suffix to the selector parameter:
[(hover :a) ... ]
[(first-letter :p) ... ]
[(-> [:ul :> :li] hover (nth-child :even)) ... ]
[(-> :a (att-sel "href=\"http://...\"")) ...]
a:hover {
p::first-letter {
ul > li:hover:nth-child(even) {
a[href="http://..."] {
Parent selector
The selector &
is inspired by its namesake in sass,
However its semantics are different in cljss. As of now, inside nested rules,
cljss combines a parent selector with its child when the selector &
is not used.
When it is, it just replaces the selector &
with the selector of the parent rule.
- When we don't use '&', here is the behaviour in sass:
section {
div { ... }
section { ... }
section div { ... }
Here the selectors "section" and "div" are combined in "section div" for the second rule. The same is true for cljss:
[:section ...
[:div ...]]
=> "section {...} section div {}"
- at first look cljss behaves like sass when '&' is used:
a {...
&:hover { ... }}
a { ... }
a:hover {...}
[:a ...
[(-> & hover) ...]]
=> "a {}
a:hover { ... }"
- it becomes different when sets are involved in sass:
section { ...
& , div {...}
section {...}
section div { ... }
while with cljss:
[:section ...
[#{& :div} ...]]
section {...}
section, div { ... }