ProjectileFindingxGiveny - JenningsPhysics/ProjectileFindxUsingy GitHub Wiki
###The goal of this code is to simulate the motion of a ball through the air
###given initial conditions and a final height. The final horizontal position
###will be calculated.
# STARTUP (Don't edit, typically)
from __future__ import division
from visual import *
from physutil import *
import math
# ===========================================
# Setup Display window for visualization
scene = display(x = 0, y = 0, width = 700, height = 700, range = 50,
background =,
title = "Projectile Calc to find x")
# Create object for visualization
ball = sphere(, radius = 1)
# Create a trail behind the object as it moves
trail = curve(color =
# Create sphere to mark the origin in Display window
origin = sphere(pos=vector(0,0,0), color =, radius = 0.01)
# Create arrows to represent vector quantities in the Display window
arrow1 = arrow(pos=ball.pos, axis = (0,0,0), color = color.yellow);
arrow2 = arrow(pos=ball.pos + vector(0,0.2,0), axis = (0,0,0), color =;
graph = PhysGraph(1) #Will use to graph posx v posy
###set givens for this problem
##Global givens
V = 20
theta = 30
ball.m = 0.1 # mass in kg
deltat = 0.01
t = 0
#Air Drag factors
Cd = 0.5
A = 0.01
p = 1.2
##x, y specific givens
y0 = 0
yf = -4
x0 = 0
#Convert angle to radians, calc components of vectors
#and vectorize everything that ought to be vectorized
theta = theta*math.pi/180 #converts angle to radians
vy0 = V*math.sin(theta)
vx = V*math.cos(theta)
ball.v = vector(vx, vy0, 0)
ball.pos = vector(x0, y0, 0)
g = vector(0, -9.8, 0)
#Is the ball ending up above, below or at the same height as it starts?
finalH = 1
if(yf > y0):
finalH = 2
while((ball.y < y and finalH > 1) or (ball.y >= y and finalH == 1)):
Fg = ball.m*g
Fd = -0.5*Cd*p*A*ball.v*mag(ball.v) #You can add some factors later and then calc this
Fnet = Fg + Fd
ball.a = Fnet/ball.m
ball.v = ball.v + ball.a*deltat
ball.pos = ball.pos + ball.v*deltat
#Evaluate whether we've hit the desired height -- may be hit twice!
if(ball.y > y and finalH > 1):
finalH = 1
print(t, ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y, y)
if(ball.y < y and finalH > 1 and ball.v.y < 0):
print("Not going to make it!")
#EDIT THIS: Draw arrows to show quantities of interest
arrow1.pos = ball.pos;
arrow2.pos = ball.pos;
arrowscale1= 5 # determines how long to draw arrows to represent
# vectors; here, the value of arrowscale
# tells us what arrow length (in meters)
# corresponds to a force with a magnitude of 1 Newton
#e-15 works well for forces
arrow1.axis = Fg*arrowscale1; #Fnet
arrow2.axis = Fd*arrowscale1; #Resistant forces
# advance the clock; here we're just keeping track of the total time.
t = t + deltat
graph.plot(ball.x, ball.y)
print(t, ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y, y)