Concept - Jelmerovereem/frontend-data GitHub Wiki


The concept/theme for this data visualization is the best way to park your car in the city.
Car picture
Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on Unsplash

Mind map

First, my support group and I created a mind map on a miro board to map out our thoughts and insights on this concept/theme.
Mind map
Mind map source

The stakeholders in this concept/theme are:

  • automobilists
    • The main road users, the actual cars in the city
    • Want simple, cheap parking
  • other road users (cyclists, scooter drivers, etc.)
    • In traffic you come in touch with multiple different people
    • Want safety
  • parking managers
    • The owners of parking spots
    • They want as much revenue as possible
  • township
    • Want minimal casualties and accidents
    • Want environmentally friendly infrastructure
  • road workers

Main theme question

What is the best way to park in the city throughout the Netherlands?

My assumption
I think the best places to park are these wide-open parking spots in the middle of nowhere. Those are cheap and often have many available/free spaces. But the location of these parking spots is not so efficient.
The real challenge comes when you approach a (big) city. I assume how deeper into the city how more expensive the parking spots are.
I think that the parking garages in general are more expensive.💸
parking lot


Down below I've written some research questions I can explore for creating a data visualization.
To answer the main theme question I first need some subquestions, I need research questions 1, 4 and 5 to get to translate this data into a data visualization which will answer my main question.

Before feedback

  1. What payment methods are out there?
    My assumption is that how closer you get to the city the payment method transfers to more digital than cash.💳
  2. Are parking spots with a bigger capacity more expensive?
    My assumption is that the capacity won't have much impact on the price. Security or the like are more likely to have an impact on the price.
  3. Where is the cheapest parking spot for your car?
    This depends on how wide and high the car is. I assume that how wider and higher your car is, how harder it is to find a parking spot that is cheap.

After feedback

  1. What are the cheapest parking spots?
  2. Where are the most parking spots?
  3. Where are the available/free parking spots?

1. Are the city parking spots payment methods more modern than outside the city?

  1. I need the Open Data Parkeren: BETAALMETHODE GEBIED dataset for this.
  2. The variables I need are:
    1. AreaManagerId
    2. AreaId
    3. PaymentMethod

2. Do more expensive cars have other colors than cheaper cars?

  1. I need multiple datasets:
    1. I need the Open Data RDW: Gekentekende_voertuigen dataset for this question.
      1. Merk
      2. Handelsbenaming
      3. Eerste kleur
    2. Dataset with cars and their price
      1. Car price

3. Do residents have more nuisance because of parking spots?

  1. I need multiple datasets for this:
    1. Dataset with the nuisance that residents experience, maybe at CBS Open data
      1. Location (GeoData)
      2. Nuisance grade
    2. Open Data Parkeren: GEOMETRIE GEBIED for the location of the parking spots
      1. AreaId
      2. GeoDataAsText

4. Are parking spots with a bigger capacity more expensive or paid?

  1. I need multiple datasets for this question:
    1. Open Data Parkeren: SPECIFICATIES PARKEERGEBIED for the capacity
      1. AreaId
      2. Capacity
    2. Open Data Parkeren: GEBIED for if the spot is paid
      1. AreaId
      2. UsageId

5. Where is the cheapest parking spot especially for your car?

  1. I need multiple datasets:
    1. Open Data Parkeren: TARIEFDEEL for the prices
      1. AreaManagerId
      2. FareCalculationCode
      3. StartDateFarePart
      4. StartDurationFarePart
      5. EndDurationFarePart
      6. AmountFarePart
      7. StepSizeFarePart
    2. Open Data Parkeren: SPECIFICATIES PARKEERGEBIED for the maximum height
      1. AreaManagerId
      2. AreaId
      3. MaximumVehicleHeight
    3. Dataset with cars and their height
      1. Car height

6. Do residents have more nuisance because of busy (car)roads?

  1. I need multiple datasets:
    1. Dataset with the nuisance that residents experience, maybe at CBS Open data
      1. Location / name
      2. GeoData
      3. Nuisance grade
    2. Dataset with (busy) roads, maybe at or Rijkswaterstaat open data
      1. Road id/name
      2. Business
      3. GeoData


With my visualization, I want to answer my main question; What is the best way to park in the city throughout the Netherlands?
When you park your car you want to have a cheap spot and a parking garage with a high chance of available spots.
My visualization shows you where the free spots are and where there is a high capacity, so more chance on an available spot.

Each circle/dot represents a garage on the map, depending on your choice of view you can compare the circles with the legend to see which parking garages suits your needs the best.


Map with garages:


  1. Car photo:
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