1.1 Debriefing - JeanyDeVries/ilojo-bar GitHub Wiki


Contact information

Client: Legacy

Contact: Femke van Zeijl, [email protected]

Inquiry: 23-05-22

Deadline: 23-06-22

Background information

Legacy | The Historical and Environmental Group of Nigeria, with in person Femky van Zijel, head of the research.

Job description

Legacy want all the stories brought together and have a visual representation of the building with the stories included.

User stories

1 Reading, listening and look at stories about Ilojo bar
As a resident from Lagos, member of the Nigerian diaspora of interested world citizen, I want to read listen and see stories online about Ilojo bar. This is because I want to know more about the meaning of the building for the metropolis Lagos and the cosmopolitan history of it, that lead from Spain to Brazil.

2 Adding stories about Ilojo bar
As an artist/visitor I want to be able to add a story to the website, so that I can add and propagate meaning to the building.

3 Experience Ilojo bar
As a resident from Lagos, member of the Nigerian diaspora of interested world citizen, I want to get a virtual impression of the building, so that I can see how it was in the earlier days. This way it will become a virtual monument of the vanished piece of Nigerian heritage


The reason of making this, is that the building was destroyed since 2016. Alosians will never know the amazing stories from withing the building. It was once a national monument which is now forgotten. That's why legacy want to let people know how special that building was and why.


The purpose is to let people know the stories of the building of how it once was. See how beautiful it all was.


Our product will be a visualisation of the building and it's history. You can go through the stories with a fun visualisation. We will make multiple prototypes and present them to Legacy.


The deadline of the first sprint is on the third of june at 13:00. We want to make a working prototype to show what we have envisioned. It is necessary that you can go through the stories of Ilojo bar, that is something Legacy explicitly want. We have to apply this with our own working API on the website. Legacy also wants a visualisation of the building.

Target audience

The target audience of the project are the lagosians. Legacy wants them to know their culture and history. A thing that is good to know about these people is that they use their phones a lot and most of them are older versions. That's why we need good support. Beside that they also have bad internet, which is why we also need to take into account that our website should not be that heavy. The most used browser are these in Nigeria:

Legacy also wants to reach out the Lagosians abroad. At last some people can visit who are interested in history, but these people are not the main focus.

Relationship with other projects

It falls under Legacy. Legacy keeps busy with other heritages in Nigeria. Sadly we don't have any examples.