Creating new regularizers - JeanPaulShapo/bigartm GitHub Wiki
This manual describes all necessary steps you need to proceed to create your own regularizer in the core of BigARTM library. We assume you are now in the root directory of BigARTM. The Google Protocol Buffers technology will be used, so we also assume you familiar with it. The instructions will be forwarded with corresponding examples of two regularizers, one per matrix (New Regulrizer Phi and New regularizer Theta).
General steps
Edit protobuf messages
- Open
file and find there theRegularizerType
message. As you can see, this enum contains all BigARTM regularizers. Add constants for your regularizer (save the natural numeric order, 14 and 15 is an example in case when the last constant is 13):
enum RegularizerType {
RegularizerType_SmoothSparseTheta = 0;
RegularizerType_SmoothSparsePhi = 1;
RegularizerType_DecorrelatorPhi = 2;
RegularizerType_NewRegularizerPhi = 14;
RegularizerType_NewRegularizerTheta = 15;
- In the same file you need to define the configuration of your regularizer. It should contain any meta-data your regularizer will use in it's work. You can see the messages for other regularizers, but in general any regularizer has
field, that contains the names of topics, the regularizer will deal with. Regularizers of Phi matrix usually haveclass_id
field, that can be an array (and then it denotes all modalities, which tokens will be regularized) or single string (the name of one modality to be regularized). Phi regularizers usually also containsdictionary_name
parameter, because dictionaries are often contain useful information. Theta regularizers should containalpha_iter
parameter, that denotes the additional multipliers for regularization addition r_wt. It is an array with length equal to the number of document passes, and helps to change the influence of the regularizer on each pass through the document in a special way.
Your messages can have the following form:
message NewRegularizerPhiConfig {
repeated string topic_name = 1;
repeated string class_id = 2;
optional string dictionary_name = 3;
message NewRegularizerThetaConfig {
repeated string topic_name = 1;
repeated float alpha_iter = 2;
- You may use the following command to compile messages.proto (see this for details):
.\protoc.exe --cpp_out=. --python_out=. .\artm\messages.proto
Alternatively, we recommend you to build re-project Visual Studio or Linux, and this step will be proceeded automatically. The only recommendation is to remove the old
file from the python/artm/wrapper
Edit core files and utilities
The regularizers are the part of C++ core, so you need to create .h and .cc files for you regularizer and store them in the
directory. We recommend you to usesmooth_sparse_phi.h
respectively) as an example. We will talk about the content of these files in next sections. At first you need to change all names of macroses, classes, methods and types to new ones releated with name of your regularizer (do it in analogy to naming in this file). -
In the head of file
include file of your new regularizer:
#include "artm/regularizer_interface.h"
#include "artm/regularizer/decorrelator_phi.h"
#include "artm/regularizer/multilanguage_phi.h"
#include "artm/regularizer/smooth_sparse_theta.h"
#include "artm/regularizer/new_regularizer_phi.h"
#include "artm/regularizer/new_regularizer_theta.h"
#include "artm/score/items_processed.h"
#include "artm/score/sparsity_theta.h"
- There is a switch/case statement in the same file in a need of expansion:
switch (regularizer_type) {
case artm::RegularizerType_SmoothSparseTheta: {
case artm::RegularizerType_SmoothSparsePhi: {
case artm::RegularizerType_NewRegularizerPhi: {
case artm::RegularizerType_NewRegularizerTheta: {
- Modify file
- Proceed the same operation with
Changes in Python API code
- Edit
to reflect the changes made toenum RegularizerType
RegularizerType_SmoothSparseTheta = 0
RegularizerType_SmoothSparsePhi = 1
RegularizerType_NewRegularizerPhi = 14
RegularizerType_NewRegularizerTheta = 15
- Update
with something like this:
def _regularizer_type(config):
if isinstance(config, messages.SmoothSparseThetaConfig):
return constants.RegularizerType_SmoothSparseTheta
elif isinstance(config, messages.NewRegularizerPhiConfig):
return constants.RegularizerType_NewRegularizerPhi
elif isinstance(config, messages.NewRegularizerThetaConfig):
return constants.RegularizerType_NewRegularizerTheta
- You need to add class-wrapper for your regularizer into the
. Note, that the Phi regularizer should be inherited from theBaseRegularizerPhi
, and Theta one fromBaseRegularizerTheta
. Use any other class as an example. Note, that these two classes andBaseRegularizer
has pre-defined fields with properties and setters. Don't repeat these fields and add warning methods for ones that doesn't appear in your regularizer:
def class_ids(self):
raise KeyError('No class_ids parameter')
def class_ids(self, class_ids):
raise KeyError('No class_ids parameter')
Also take into consideration the notation of parameters naming (for example, class_ids is a list, and class_id is a scalar). Learn attentively other classes and don't forget to write the doc-strings in the same format.
- Add your regularizers into
__all__ = [
- You may need to run
python build
python install
for the changes to take effect.
Phi regularizer C++ code
All you need is to implement the method
bool NewRegularizerPhi::NewRegularizerPhi(const ::artm::core::PhiMatrix& p_wt,
const ::artm::core::PhiMatrix& n_wt,
::artm::core::PhiMatrix* result);
Here you use p_wt, n_wt and all information you have got as parameters through the config to count r_wt and put it in the result
variable. The multiplication on tau
and usage of coefficients of relative regularzation will be processed in further computations automaticaly and shouldn't worry you.
Theta regularizer C++ code
You need to create a class implementing the RegularizeThetaAgent
interface (e.g., NewRegularizerThetaAgent
) and a class implementing RegularizerInterface
interface (e.g., NewRegularizerTheta
In the NewRegularizerTheta
class you need to define a CreateRegularizeThetaAgent
method, which checks arguments and does some initialization work. This method will be called every outer iteration, once for every batch.
In the NewRegularizerThetaAgent
class you need to define an Apply
method, which takes the (unnormalized) probability distribution p(t|d)
for a given d
and transforms it in a some way (e.g. by adding a constant). This method will be called every inner iteration, once for every document in this batch (inner_iter * batch_size
times in total).
void Apply(int item_index, int inner_iter, int topics_size, float* theta);
For an example, take a look at
Note that handling tau
and alpha_iter
is your responsibility: your code is assumed to be of form theta[topic_id] += tau * alpha_iter[inner_iter] * x
instead of just theta[topic_id] += x