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##Method 2 - using ThinLinc##
Connect to CG1D-analysis2 computer using ThinLinc client or browser (
1. Start a terminal
If you already worked on your notebook for this proposal, go directly to step 3.
2. First time you connect, you need to copy the right notebook to your account. To do so, from the terminal window, launch the following script
> /SNS/users/j35/notebooks/setup_ipts_16893
3. Move to the IPTS notebook folder
> cd ~/notebooks/IPTS_16893
4. Start the jupyter notebook
> /HFIR/CG1DImaging/shared/start-jupyter
5. Then check the current python environment in the top right part of the window. If this one displayed anything else than imaging, you need to perform the next step. Otherwise, you are done!
6. Select the right python environment