JdeRobot 5.6.7 - JdeRobot/base GitHub Wiki
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- [PR #1312] Unified Pibot model, now it has all its sensors active.
- [PR #1313] Added support for MavRos, added iris drone and gazebo infraestructure for MavROS drones
- [PR #1317] Refactorization of PiBot real driver, added odometry and documentation.
- [PR #1321] Added printable pieces of Pibot in freecad format
- [PR #1323] Solved texture loading of F1 cars for gzweb
- [PR #1326] Added support for real turtlebot
- [PR #1328] Little refactorization of PiBot real driver
- [PR #1338] Added a refactored picam printable piece