JdeRobot 5.6.6 - JdeRobot/base GitHub Wiki
- Solved some bugs related with installation and other minor bugs in components.
- [PR #1088] New PiCameraServer Driver and fixed Logging of slice executables error cmake
- [PR #1156] Solved problem with usbcam on camserver_web
- [PR #1167] Modify visualization.ice to visualize 3D segments
- [PR #1169] 3DViewer_web modify to visualize 3D segments
- [PR #1177] Added Roomba robot for ros nodes
- [PR #1179] Added library PiBot as a new driver of JdeRobot
- [PR #1180] Added driver piCamServer_py to serve PiCamera and USB cams.
- [PR #1181] Added new tool PiCamCalibrator
- [PR #1192] Added pibot robot support for gazebo
- [PR #1198] Moved kids interfaces to interfaces directory
- [PR #1209] New F1 model with realistic mesh (obj)
- [PR #1220] Added model pibot with us sensor instead of picam sensor
- [PR #1228] New ROS-based worlds for vacuum practices
- [PR #1234] minimal support for ros drones
- [PR #1236] Added printable pieces for PiBot
- [PR #1240] 3DVizWeb show objects
- [PR #1241] Added new formula1 models
- [PR #1250] Added Nurburgrin circuit
- [PR #1251] solved several problems with pibot api
- [PR #1256] velocity implemented with five speeds for pibot real driver.
- [PR #1258] velocity implemented at "avanzar" function of piBot.py for real PiBot
- [PR #1262] Added Cameras and no-laser models to the F1 models. Follow_Road world fixed
- [PR #1271] Control in position for pibot driver
- [PR #1277] drone model with mavros