JdeRobot 5.6.0 - JdeRobot/base GitHub Wiki

  • [PR #780 #914] This is the main change in the installation process. We now offer atomic debian packages for the user to install the project. There is no more a monolithic package that install the whole project but there is now a bunch of packages (one for each tool, driver, and lib) and some extra themed metapackages. This is in beta phase yet, so the may contain some bugs. Also, there will be more metapackages in the future. (see issue 915 for further information).
  • [PR #736] Added a more realistic Formula 1 car and plugin. Now the wheels move and the car moves by phyisics forces, not just by teleporting the model.
  • [PR #797] Added options for generate only ice packages. For embedded systems (arm)
  • [PR #802] Created launcher for webtools.
  • [PR #810] Refactoring of replayer tool.
  • [PR #812] RGBD images are now synchronized.
  • [PR #813] RGBD Viewer now allows to use camera distances.
  • [PR #822] New driver for the Sony EVI IP camera.
  • [PR #829] Refactor for recorder2 tool. Added ringed buffer.
  • [PR #832] Added new holonomic cars for gazebo. They include their own plugins.
  • [PR #844] Deleted obsolete interfaces to clean the project
  • [PR #847] Stop support for Nao humanoid robot.
  • [PR #851] Created a new tool for teleoperate IP cameras. PanTiltTeleop.
  • [PR #852] Solved problem with maximum drone velocities in uav_viewer.
  • [PR #859] Added a new cameraview tool in python only for ice.
  • [PR #863] Included optional horizontal flip for openniserver
  • [PR #862] Jderobotcomm_py now installs ROS python clients if ROS_cpp is found.
  • [PR #866] Added new model for gazebo of the arduino robot MBOT
  • [PR #873] Created a JdeRobot version of the ROS turtlebot model for gazebo.
  • [PR #874] Renamed VisualHFSM to VisualStates
  • [PR #877] Added samples folder and moved al examples to it.
  • [PR #885] Updated Dockerfiles.
  • [PR #880] Moved installation of the project from /usr/local to /opt. This will let the system as clear as possible.
  • [PR #899] Update the world and models of JdeRobot's Academy global_navigation practice.
  • [PR #901] Added new tool. Scratch2JdeRobot, will let the users program complex robot behaviours using scratch.
  • [PR #908] Added the infraestructure for a new JdeRobot Academy practice based on autonomous vehicles. Autopark.
  • [PR #916] Created Config library for read Yaml config files. We are migrating from ICE config file, to a more generic library based on YAML.
  • [PR #918] Added the infraestructure for a new JdeRobot Academy practice based on autonomous vehicles. Stop practice.
  • [PR #921] Added support for RGBD sensors in Ice to JdeRobot Comm