JdeRobot 5.3.3 - JdeRobot/base GitHub Wiki
- [PR #408] New description and summary for the JdeRobot debian package.
- [PR #412] Moving JdeRobot drivers from components to drivers directory.
- [PR #414] Added max v and w speed configuration feature and minor GUI improvements to kobukiViewer.
- [PR #422] New UavViewerJS GUI and better JS files organization.
- [PR #423] Added new world for drone indoor.
- [PR #429] Migration of refereeViewer to teaching robotics repository.
- [PR #433 #444 #446] Moving JdeRobot tools from components to tools directory.
- [PR #438] Now visualHFSM can be opened from any folder and now the state can have more than one transition and they behave properly.
- [PR #445] Quick-fixes CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS resetting. Removes direct c++0x asignment.
- [PR #447] Configurable speed for uav_viewer from configuration file.
- [PR #450] Solved namingService issue when deactivated from cfg file.
- [PR #451] Added Actors_GrannyAnnie2.world to gazeboserver worlds.
- [PR #453] Fixes CMake checks and output for OpenGL and GLUT.
- [PR #456] Taxi models plugins loading are fixed.
- [PR #460] Now is possible to choose the name of the proxy with visualHFSM.
- [PR #464] Includes new paths to the install generation step in CMake.
- [PR #469] Quick-fix for x32 openni related components.
- [PR #473] Fixed gui bug in recorder2 and replayer2.
- [PR #474] Solved bottle neck in uavviewerjs and kobukiviewerjs.
- [PR #483] New tool basic_component_py.
- [PR #484] New driver laser_server for hokuyo laser.
- [PR #487] New driver MAVLinkDriver for several drones.
- [PR #488] Add dpkg package name discovery for boost and pcl.
- [PR #490] Reduced uav_viewer GUI to be more usable.
- [PR #492] All tools with GTK GUI now use resourcelocator.
- [PR #494] Gazebo models with plugin absolute paths for yellow and white Taxi
- [PR #495] Added toggleable data to uav_viewer.
- hotfix! added EasyIce to the laser_server CMakeLists.
- [PR #496] Pose3d kobuki driver. Removed encoders.
- [PR #499] Replayer Pose3D and Pose3DEncoders threads sync fixed.
- [PR #500] Created config file to connect ColorTunner to ardrone_server .
- [PR #501] Interfaces on demand and minor GUI improvements for uav_viewer.
- [PR #502] Solved several problems with basic_component.
- [PR #503] Solved some problems with Jderobot example 3.2.
- [PR #504] Fixes package discovery for boost.
- [PR #505] Fix imageFormat error between recorder2 and cameraServer.
- hotfix! Solved a problem reading v and w max from cfg file in kobukiViewer.
- [PR #510] basic_component_py now has optional interfaces.
- [PR #511] Added face up option to laser_server.
- [PR #512] Fixes the 2-pass cmake problem for package generation.
- [PR #514] Solved laser wrong readings from kobukiViewer.