Workbenches - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki
The main hub of the mod. Guns guns and more guns! Oh, and also a few targets and storage! This here is our main starting point for Firearms. Inside you will notice tool slots now as well. This will increase the amount of resources returned when scrapping guns found in the world.
Ammunition, a vital part to every end of the world scenario. Worth more then gold! This workbench is where we craft all our ammo from. We can also turn Scrap Ammunition into usable materials as well using this bench. You will notice there are Tools as well. These will increase the amount of resources you get when scrapping ammunition!
Researching is vital to creating your own weapons. With progression being a bit of a waste for some players, who only wish to play with a select few weapons, this system will surely help you out. Everything found, can be created into a Blueprint that will give the player the ability to craft that item. To create a Blueprint, you will need Scrap Schematics (found by scrapping blueprints you find in the world), the item itself, and paper. After you create the Blueprint, simply hold it in your hands (put it in your hotbar and equip it) and go to the respective workbench. That's it! Now you can craft the item. When you are done, store it for later, or scrap it to return some of the Scrap Schematics back.
Modification and Parts Workbench is a very important bench for crafting Firearms. Here you will find all the parts you will need to create your gun of choice in the Firearms Workbench. Every gun will require 4 standard tier parts, and 1 specialty part to create. These parts, like everything else, can be found or created.