Whats new - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki

Whats new?

New guns

Laser Rifle, Flame Thrower, AA12, loads of guns reskinned, resighted for scopes, and more!

New crafting system

Whole new way to craft and learn your favorite guns! No need to spend points on progression anymore!

New Modifications

Physical Attachments

Laser Side:

  • 10% reduced noise when walking
  • 20% increased crouch speed
  • 40% increased crouch jump height
  • 50% decreased weapon recoil spread when crouched
  • 25% decreased weapon recoil spread when hip firing

Hand Grip:

  • 50% decreased weapon recoil spread when walking
  • 30% decreased weapon recoil spread when aiming


  • 20% increased Sprint speed
  • 10% decreased stamina cost while sprinting

Extended Silencer:

  • Shots are complete silent. Bullet Impacts are not.


Quick Mag:

  • Reload weapons twice as fast

Banana Magazine:

  • x2 Ammunition Capacity

Drum Magazine:

  • x5 Ammunition Capacity


Block Buster:

Increases block damage to bullets by a vast amount. Lowers entity damage. This modification is designed for quick removal of blocks in the world.

  • x3 Block damage to Earth, Wood, Metal and Stone.

High Tech Scope:

New scopes

Hair Sights

x1: x2: x4:

Whole new UI for Workbenches and Modification Assembly


  • Firearms Workbench
  • Ammunition Workbench
  • Research Table
  • Modification and Parts Workbench