How Crafting and Blueprints work - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki
Crafting can be a bit complex to learn at first, but you will quickly find out that it is rather fun, and easy!
Schematics/Blueprints. These are found around the world in Bookstores, crates, desks, everywhere. These Blueprints are not like the old Schematics, you can not use them to permanently learn how to craft a gun. Instead, you place the Blueprint into your hotbar, equip it (make sure the blueprint is the item you have selected on your hotbar, and that you are holding a book in your characters hands), and go to the respective table. That's it! Now you will be able to craft the item. When you are done, simply put the blueprint back on the shelves, for use later.
This new mechanic does multiple things: One, you will no longer have to spend unnecessary skillpoints investing into a bunch of tiers just to craft the few weapons you enjoy using. This will free you up to spend your points elsewhere! This also completely removes the level gate holding you back from getting that sweet sweet powerful gun you want. But RNG can be brutal, having to rely on luck? To find the gun AND the ammo blueprints? Thats awful, right?
Well, we have an amazing new system tied to these Blueprints. If you find the gun, mod, ammo, whatever it may be, if you find that item, you can turn it into a recipe blueprint with a little effort. All that's required is the Manual Book (tool for the workbench, can be found in a lot of places), and Scrap Schematics.
You will notice that the Blueprints are not sellable to the traders. This is because they have a higher value then just a few coins. Scrap. Scrapping unneeded/duplicate Blueprints is key to crafting your own. So don't just toss out the ones you already have! Scrap it!