Help and Troubleshooting - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki
Help and Troubleshooting
How to install
- Navagate to your 7 Days to Die Directory (default: C:/ProgramFiles86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/7DaystoDie)
- Right click anywhere in your MAIN directory (not Data/Configs, not 7DaysToDie_Data), and create New Folder
- Name New Folder: Mods Our directory should look similar to something like this
- Download entire mod pack via GitHub or other Trusted source (I only share via Discord, and GitHub. For my personal mods, do not trust any other source unless verified by me)
- Drag and Drop Firearms modlet into 7 Days To Die/Mods folder. Our modlet named "Firearms" should show up under the mods directory like so
- To confirm proper boot, upon loading into a map/server, press F1, and you should see our mod load with the following line:
2018-12-28T22:36:15 2.709 INF [MODS] Trying to load from Firearms
2018-12-28T22:36:15 2.709 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Firearms (2.0)
Updating Existing Worlds with old versions of Firearms:
It is entirely possible to play your OLD WORLD. The only thing you will lose, is your players current level and skills. Now, important steps if you are going to UPDATE the old Firearms Modlet:
- Remove ALL Firearms related assets (guns, ammo, targets) from your world. Despawn them, do not just put them in a chest.
- Remove all belongings to your character, put them in a secure place in your home
- Remove the old Firearms Modlet, place new one in your Mods folder
- Load back into the game. You will most likely be a fresh spawn out in the wild. No worries. Hit F1. Type
- giveselfxp 10000
- hit enter.
This will give you 1 level. Each level is roughly 10-20% more xp (not sure on exact values) then the one before it. So level 2, would be around 22,000, rather then 20,000. Adjust accordingly to regain your old levels back.
For more information, or general help:
Known bugs:
- Animations run off a bool call (not using scripting). They are all on timers. Sometimes, skills such as faster reloads, might make the animation go fast or slow in accordance with hand movement. I attuned the speeds based on the guns "unlock" level. Finding a M98 early game, might show a slower animation. This will fix itself as you get near the appropriate level
- Audio might be too high, or too low. Currently in the process of adjusting levels. Feedback would be amazing. I am hard of hearing myself, too many guns IRL :P Nothing legally disabling me. Just god awful range in volume/pitch.
- Explosive Ammo has no physical graphical effect