Crafting - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki
Crafting has changed in Firearms. It is now centralized entirely around 2 main Workbenches. Gun Workbench, and Ammo Workbench.
Inside, you will find the first category containing ALL the ammo and guns. Then each class of Gun and Ammo inside it's own category (Pistols, SMG, Shotguns, Rifles, Large Weapons, Special, Mods)
The Ammo Bench , is very special. The last 2 categories contain Ammo, and Firearms Recycling.
Here, you can turn all your unwanted guns and ammo, back into highly valued parts to craft the items of your choosing. You may also CRAFT (not scrap) these while on-the-go, to help with inventory control, but the value is much greater at a Workbench.
The Research Table is very important to Firearms Crafting. This will control where you can create individual Schematics that you may learn to unlock that specific Firearms crafting. Progression unlocks total tiers of weapons, but this way, you can choose not to invest your points, and research the guns one by one using resources!
- 1 Bullet Tip
- 1 Brass Casing
- 1 Steel Casing
- 3 Gun Powder
- 1 Buckshot
- 1 Rocket Tip (per 10)
- 1 Rocket Casing (per 10)
- 50 Scrap Iron
- 25 Forged Iron
- 10 Forged Steel
- 2 Mechanical Parts
- 5 Scrap Polymers
- 1 Military Fiber
- 2 Duct Tape
- 1 SpringThe Ammo Bench , is very special. The last 2 categories contain Ammo, and Firearms Recycling.
Schematic Scrapping: !Image Scrap Schematics are very important for learning new Firearms to craft. You can find Schematics out in the world, but often, they are lower grade weapons. Take unused Schematics, and break them down to learn new Blueprints! Every Schematic recipe will require Scrap Schematics to craft. Both ammo and weapons