About - Jayick/Firearms2 GitHub Wiki

This Modlet will give you full access to 50 custom Firearms, complete with animations, audio, full gun modification (vanilla and modded), custom sound, custom ammo, the Total Package!

You will find just about ever caliber of Firearm for you to choose from. From Sub Machine Guns, to long range Sniper Rifles, to Assault Rifles, Pistols, even a pirate musket! There are also some select novelty items, such as the Chaingun, Golden Gun (007 inspired), Flame Thrower, and High Tech Laser Rifle.

Balance: Everything is balanced to vanilla standards. The mod provides some powerful weaponry, but it is not easy to obtain, or craft. So server owners, don't worry about having to alter anything. If your players can back up the chaingun the amount of gunpowder required to really let that baby rip, they're probably at end-game anyways :)

Mods We have a slew of custom modifications for the guns. ACOG, Dot, Holo, Hair Sights. Also a x2 ACOG, and x2 and x4 Hair Sight. Now, these sights are not done with an overlay. They are actually magnified scopes. So you will still see the world around you as you aim down the sights!

We also have attachments, such as the Extended Silencer, Bayonet, Hand Grip, Quick Mag/Drum Mag/Banana Mag.