Tile - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki

##Abstract a Terrain basically contains all of the information needed for a single square of the map

##Derives From Terrain is not derived from anything

##Member Variables

  • File m_spriteBackground
  • File m_spriteForeground
  • bool m_canTravel
    • determines if the terrain square can be travelled across
  • char m_show (for console version)
  • static int num;
    • holds the total number of terrains
  • static Terrain[] allTerrains;


  • public static Terrain[] getAllTerrainFromFile()
    • Loads The terrains and all information from file
    • Called from constructor to populate allTerrains;


  • The JavaVersion will be similar to the final product, just in a different language


  • Create classes (Exit, Chest) that derive from this class and have more functionality (change level, open/close/add inventory)
  • Add New Layers (more instead of just ForeGround/BackGround)
  • Cycling Through Terrain Sprites for animated terrain
    • Grass Blowing in the wind
    • Moving water
    • moving flames
  • reflections for water textures