Skill - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
##Abstract The skills are executed during fights to damage/debuff opponents or heal/buff allies
##DerivesFrom Does not derive from anything
- BattleActor is Composed of Skill(s)
##Member Variables
- std::string m_name;
- std::string m_description;
- boolean m_isPhysical;
- boolean m_isMagical;
- boolean m_castOnSelf;
- boolean m_castOnSingle;
- boolean m_castOnEnemy;
- int m_mpCost;
- Damage m_damage;
- static int num;
- static Skill[] allSkills;
- Execute(BattleActor[] enemies)
- Executes the Skill on the array of enemies
- CanUse(BattleActor user)
- Determines if the user can use the skill - if they have enough mp
##JavaImplementation The Java Implementation mostly contains information that will be read from file in this iteration
##FuturePlans The future plans mainly involve design.