Party - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
- Inventory
- BattleActor // m_content contains 4 fightActors
- RPGItem // m_inventory need the size of items to initialize
##Member Variables
- FightActor[4] m_allies
- This holds the people/monsters in the party
- Inventory m_myInventory;
- This holds the items and the gold the party has ##Functions
This displays the status of the four characters
- Current vs Max HP
- Current vs Max MP
- Skillset
- Statuses
- Current Experience- exp to next level
- This displays the inventory of the party and which character is equipping which item
- Also allows for equipping new items
- Tries to equip an item on an actor if they are the right type
- Don't let a monster equip an item - no broadswords for pikachu
Corresponding Java version
-none, all java work assumed one main character
Future Plans
None right now