Music Contribution Page - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


This page is to help the music team be organized and communicate with the game team - to formalize the requests of the game team and standardize the attributes desired in the corresponding music request.


First, let me thank you guys so much for your willingness to contribute, whatever time and effort you contribute will be greatly appreciated. I've tried to order the 'music requests' by the priority they have in the game, to make it easy to prioritize what the game needs. To help with the priority, I've added a column that indicates if the task is going to be included in the demo due 4-29-2017, and if so when we need it by. That being said, if you have an idea for something feel free to experiment! If you have an idea for a game component or music piece, feel free to message me, and I'll try and incorporate it.

Services Payment

It's hard to envision a future where the game is a marketable product at this early stage, however, should this become an enterprise, your contribution will not be forgotten, as 20-30% of the potential games earnings will be allocated to the music assets, split as fairly as possible between all contributors. That is to say, if we make any money off of your contribution, you will be compensated.

No Pressure!

We on the game team greatly appreciate all of the contributions made by the music team. However, if you are too busy to contribute, or something comes up preventing you from completing a track, rest assured that there will be no resentment on the part of the game team - we feel that in a worst-case scenario we will be able to complete the project with free music from sites like - although we ask that you give us as early a heads-up as possible if you are unable to finish a request you have chosen to work on by the deadline we need it by.

File Format

Because we are using the SFML libraries, we can run the following formats:

*FLAC(preferably) *WAV *OGG/Vorbis

Others may not be compatible with the current state of the engine


All of the stuff we need for the demo, we would like by 4/12 so our sound tech can have 2 weeks to implement them by our project deadline 4/26. If you can't make a deadline, please let us know by 4/5 or so so we can make other arrangements. Thank you for your support!

Notice: Game Designers don't know music

Please keep in mind, that the game team has no idea about music- all of the directions/descriptions listed are purely suggestions, if you have a better idea, Go for it!


Request Description Priority Usage Desired Length(min:sec) Loops? CompletedBy
Main Menu Theme A calm or dramatic theme to play during the display of the main menu. Main menu viewable at: Main menu 1 Demo not shorter than 1:30, not longer than 5 Yes Assigned to Shelby
Intro Sequence An exciting intro sequence to play briefly while the prophecy is displayed to the player 1 Demo 15sec No Assigned to Shelby
OakTree Theme Oaktree is the main setting for the game, its a rather small quiet forest town, feel free to experiment, but we'd prefer the tempo to be rather slow 1 Demo not shorter than 1:30, not longer than 5 Yes Assigned to Shelby
Razoer Theme Razoer is the main enemy of the demo, we already have an idea for the song we want: RazoerTheme 1 Demo ~1min No ~ConnerWelch
Church Theme One of the tasks assigned to the main character is to secure a blessing from Michael at the Church 2 Demo(probably) not shorter than 30sec, not longer than 3min Yes Assigned to Connoor
Mystic Theme Brahm is the town storyteller and mystic, we're looking for kind of a calm magic feel if possible 2 Demo(probably) not shorter than 30sec, not longer than 3min Yes Assigned to Connor
Cemetary Theme The player travels to the Cemetary as part of the plot, something slow and sad would be good, think creepy and quiet 2 Demo(probably not shorter than 30sec not longer than 3 min Yes Assigned ot Shelby
Battle Theme Hopefully we can use Austin's "Dancing" Guitar riff, but if you have a better idea, by all means, add it! This track should be fast paced and exciting 2 Demo(probably) Not shorter than 1:30, not longer than 5min Yes Assigned to Connor
Forest Theme We would like to have a forest map Dungeoney thing in the demo, but its not as important as Oaktree. If you have any ideas, were looking for something slowish and magical(possibly) 3 Demo(Hopefully) not shorter than 2:30, not longer than 5min Yes Assigned to Shelby
Cave Theme We would like there to be a cave in the demo, possibly somewhere in the forest. It shouldn't feel too scary, whatever generic cave means to you, go for it! 3 Demo(Hopefully) not shorter than 1:30 not longer than 5min Yes N/A
Sword Slash Sound Effect A short sound that sounds like a swordslash maybe sharpen a knife or something? 3 Demo(Hopefully) ~1 sec No N/A
Hammer Smash Sound effect A sound like a hammer blow 3 Demo(Hopefully) ~1sec No N/A
Generic Magic Sound effect Go where ever you want with this one 3 Demo(Hopefully) ~1sec No N/A
Success Jingle The sound that happens after a victory in battle 3 Demo(hopefully) ~4sec No N/A
Defeat Jingle The sound that happens after a defeat in battle 3 Demo(hopefully) ~4sec No N/A
Arrow Twang The sound effect used when a bow is fired 4 Demo(If Completed) ~1sec No N/A

|Shop Theme(s)|There are 4 shops (Inn, Weapons, Armor, Items) and we could just play Oaktree Theme over them, but if you have an idea for a generic Shop Theme or a specific theme for a Shop Type, by all means submit it!|4|Demo(If Completed)|~1sec|No|N/A| |Syno CharacterTheme| Syno is this crazy wizard in the forest that is trying to open the entrance to the cave- if he had a theme it would be magicalish like MysticTheme but different|4|Demo(If Completed)|~30sec|Yes|N/A| |Pyro Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Fire MonsterSkills.|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Lava Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Water MonsterSkills.|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Dino Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Earth MonsterSkills.|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Phoenix Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Air MonsterSkills.|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Justice Skill Sound|This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Light MonsterSkills. |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Vengence Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Fire/Darkness MonsterSkills.|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Steam Skill Sound| This sound will be generically used for all of the Water/Fire MonsterSkills.|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Aqua Skill Sound| make it sound like a bubble popping|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Amphibious Skill Sound| Maybe a splash or a mud swat?|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Weather Skill Rain| Basic rain sound|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Ice Skill SnowBall Crash| Maybe snow crunching or something?|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Deep Skill The Bends| This is all about sinking in water rapidly|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Fairy Skill fairy dust| Feel free to do whatever comes to your mind when considering the animation|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Swamp Skill mudSlap|Do whatever you want as long as it matches the animation|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Tera Skill1 Babadger slash|This is specific to the physical creatures in the earth subgenre, maybe a slash and a slam or something?|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Tera Skill2 Sound|Its just a basic leaf Slash - maybe sharpen a knife?|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Tera Skill3 Sound| Think sun and photosynthesis|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Pegasus Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Compassion Skill|Think Halo 3 main menu|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Rotten Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Sands Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Seabreeze Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Bird Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Aero Skill| If the player is Air Elemental, this is the skill their first monster would use|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Cocka Skill|The cockas are buffers|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |NightWing Skill| The NightWings are debuffers|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Solar Skill1| This is the basic Solar skill|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Solar Skill2 | This is less important than the other one - its only for physically upgraded Solar Monsters|7|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Lunar Skill1| This is the basic Lunar Skill|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Lunar Skill2| Lunar Skill for physical evolutions|7|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Guardian Skill| Guardians are physical buffers|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Holy Skill| Again, Think Halo 3 intro|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Light Skill| Halo Three intro|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Redemption Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Demonic Skill| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Poison| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Undead| |6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Storm| Could just duplicate weather if you wanted|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Betrayer| Think scary and satanic|6|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A| |Umbral| Think quiet and forboding|5|Demo|~1sec|No|N/A|

Additional Thanks

Thank you guys so much for your help and contributions- without you the game may not have sound at all- or at least we would have to rely on all of that free stuff from Thank you again!