Map - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
##Abstract At this point, Map is a 2d collection of terrains
##Derives From Map does not derive from anything
- int length; //should always be 9
- int width; //should always be 9
- int startLocX;
- int startLocY;
- This is where the player enters the map
- int curLocX;
- int curLocY;
- This is the current location of the player
- int prevLocX;
- int prevLocY;
- Later this information will be stored more conveniently in the actor class for when we have more actors
- Terrain[][] content;
- static int num; //holds the number of maps
- static Map[] allMaps;
- public int transverse()
- Handles moving around the map
- public void printPlace()//console
- Writes the map to the screen for the console implementation
- public void printChoices()//console
- Writes the possible choices to the map for the console implementation
- public void tryMove(int Direction)
- attempts to move in a particular direction -used by the transverse() function
- public void move(int direction)
- actually moves in the direction indicated by tryMove after check has been completed
##JavaImplementation The Java Implementation is a good place to start, but it bears mentioning that we will only be printing 'agile' in this iteration of the project
##Future Plans Move the 'place' ints to the actor class where they belong, so we can handle multiple actors at once (NPC's moving around)