Location: OakTree - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
OakTree is the starting village in MonsterMaster.
##Building Kinds
There is a Church in Oaktree, headed by a young preist, Michael. During the evening of the first day, a confession by Razoer can be heard if the main character interacts with the confessional
There are Four Shops in OakTree
Item Shop: there is an item shop that can be distinguished by its big potion sign out front
Armor Shop: there is an armor shop that can be distinguished by the big shield sign out front.
Weapon Shop: There is a weapon shop that can be distinguished by a big sword sign out front.
There is an inn.
Residential Buildings
- Brahm's house:
The largest house is owned by Brahm the storyteller, who teaches reading and magic to the children who have the aptitude
There are two medium houses, and
Three small houses.
Other Buildings
Distinguishing Characteristics
The most distinguishing characteristic of Oaktree is the large Oak Tree that is in the town center for which the town is named.
- This town is loosely based on Chorrol from Oblivion