Installing & Running The Engine - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
How to Install/Run the Engine
This is is pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha. If you feel so daring, you can do the following to install it.
The following Third-Party libraries are used:
You will need SFML present on your system if you wish to compile the source code, and you will need a compiler compliant with the C++14 specification. So...don't use Borland or DevC++. GCC(with either MinGW or TDM)/VisualStudio are what I'd recommend, and those are the only binaries distributed by the SFML devs.
You will also need a video card compliant with OpenGL 3.5
Do not use the prebuilt binaries as we use our own.
Please download the most recently compiled sfml binaries for Windows here
Download the pre-compiled resources here
Extract the folder "WINDOWS_2_4_1" to the following directory: C:\SFML_FILES"
You should have the following directory structure:
C:/ +-- SFML_FILES/ | +-- WINDOWS_241/ | | +-- aurora/ | | | +-- doc/ | | | +-- include/ | | +-- include | | | +-- SFML/ | | +-- jsoncpp | | | +-- .vs/ | | | +-- Debug/ | | | +-- include/ | | | +-- pck-config/ | | | +-- src/ | | | +-- Win32/ | | +-- lib/ | | | +-- Debug/ | | | | +-- flac.lib | | | | +-- freetype.lib | | | | +-- jpeg.lib | | | | +-- ogg.lib | | | | +-- openal32.lib | | | | +-- sfml-audio-s-d.lib | | | | +-- sfml-graphics-s-d.lib | | | | +-- sfml-main-d.lib | | | | +-- sfml-network-s-d.lib | | | | +-- sfml-system-s-d.lib | | | | +-- sfml-window-s-d.lib | | | | +-- vorbis.lib | | | | +-- vorbisenc.lib | | | | +-- vorbisfile.lib | | +-- TGUI/ | | | +-- Debug/ | | | +-- include/ | | | | +-- SFML/ | | | | +-- TGUI/ | | | +-- lib/ | | | | +-- Debug/ | | | | | +-- tgui-s-d.lib | | | +-- src/ | | | +-- widgets/ | | | +-- Win32/ | | +-- Thor/ | | | +-- _Thor/ | | | | +-- Debug/ | | | | +-- src/ | | | +-- Debug/ | | | +-- include/ | | | | +-- Thor/ | | | +-- lib/ | | | | +-- thor-s-d.lib | | | +-- src/ | | | +-- Win32/ | | +-- Win32
- Inside the WINDOWS_241 folder should be various folders, "include", "lib", etc. There should not be an extra WINDOWS_241 folder
- We do not provide makefiles as of now. We use Visual Studio and the included VisualStudio project contains the needed settings to compile the source code.
Download the engine source code anywhere you'd like. If you clone from the engine repo, you should not need to do anything else. Try to compile the source code and run the engine.
If you run into issues, ensure the following are set up:
- In Project -> Properties -> C++ -> General, make sure "C:\SFML_FILES\WINDOWS_2_4_1\include" is added to "Additional include directories.
- In Project -> Properties -> C++ -> Preprocessor, make sure "SFML_STATIC" is added to "Preprocessor Definitions"
- In Project -> Properties -> C++ -> Optimization, make sure "Optimization" is set to "Default"
- In Project -> Properties -> C++ -> Code Generation, make sure "Basic Runtime Checks" is set to to "Default", and "Runtime Library" is set to "Multi-threaded Debug"
- In Project -> Properties -> C++ -> All Options -> make sure "Warning Level" is set to "Level3 (/W3)"
- In Project -> Properties -> Linker -> General, make sure "C:\SFML_FILES\WINDOWS_2_4_1\lib\Debug" is added to "Additional Library Dependencies"
- In Project -> Properties -> Linker -> Input, ensure the following dependencies are being added:
- sfml-graphics-s-d.lib
- sfml-window-s-d.lib
- sfml-audio-s-d.lib
- sfml-system-s-d.lib
- flac.lib
- freetype.lib
- jpeg.lib
- ogg.lib
- openal32.lib
- vorbis.lib
- vorbisenc.lib
- vorbisfile.lib
- opengl32.lib
- winmm.lib
- Do not include this if you are not on Windows
- sfml-main-d.lib
- tgui-s-d.lib
- thor-s-d.lib
- In Project -> Properties -> Linker -> Debugging, set "Generate Debug Info" to "Optimize for Debugging"
- Hit OK.
- Make sure that the build target is "Debug" and "x86" (the engine is meant for 32 and 64bit machines, not just 64 bit machines).
- With all of that in place, the engine should build.
With everything set up correctly, you should be able to run the Engine.