God: Thanatos - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Thanatos is the god of death, and he ferries souls from the mortal plane to the underworld.
A skull-face with a black robe and a sythe, what do you expect?
Instances in the game
Chapter 1: After Introduction Sequence
He can be seen by the Mad Prophet, and after the main characters village burns down there is a brief exchange between them, as they nsense the seven-star-symbol being gifted again to man. He is surprised that the Mad Prophet can see him, and the mad prophet is likewise surprised that Thanatos appeared personally to direct the souls of the massacre. Thanatos intones that he came not only for the souls but because this is the place where the seven stars would land, and laments that no living mortal is here to catch them- perhaps they would wait another ten thousand years for the turning of the next new age.
Chapter N-5: Killing Death
In order to unlock the immortality of Enemy gods, the only mortal God, in control of immortality, needed to be destroyed. The main character goes to great lengths to learn the summoning technique necessary to summon Death. If Death is attacked he will say:
- "Fool, you cannot kill a God, I welcome you into my domain" Which will trigger a fight where Thanatos uses a death curse on all of the main character's party- the main character alone will survive, only if he has Tithonous with him.
- If the character dies immediately, Death will say : "This is the fate of men with hubris: to dream the impossible, and die in the attempt. Your soul will not be wasted" before transfering to the Game Over screen
- If the character dies after using Tithonous, Death will say: "Clever boy, it has been long since my scythe has been tested, but one does not challenge the reaper without consequence" before transferring to the Game Over screen
- If the character succeeds in killing Thanatos, after exiting the battle scene, he will say: "To end like this, with the hubris of men proving true, how embarrassing. Know this mortal: You may have killed one of us, but you are not among us yet. No man should sit on the throne of a god- to think otherwise is folly, you fool"