God: Plutamon - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Plutamon is the god of gold, money, and greed. If while playing the game you earn a bunch of money, you will inevitably gain the favor of Plutamon, and will only lose it by giving money away in charity. There are many financial bonuses to be had in gaining the favor of Plutamon, however even the virtuous will lose standing with the light gods if their financial gain is not matched by a fitting tithe.
You ask why I thrive? Because all men bow before my feet. They bow before their true god: Gold. As they would do all for greed, unknowingly they will do all for me. This is why whatever game you play, whatever vision you have, I will have a role, because worship of me is in the soul of every man.
- When questioned before the turning of the age, asking why greed thrives.
Old servant you would deny me? If you think your ascension breaks your earlier ties to me, you are mistaken. I will not serve you. And I will remain in my seat at the coming of the next age. You can acquiesce, or I will destroy you.
- When confronted before the turning of the age, if side questline is completed
Associated Elements
Darkness and Air
- [Faust]: A leader of one of his many temples(banks) Faust strives to be the vessel of Plutamon, and will serve him in any way. Plutamon does not consider his possessing Faust, Faust already obeys his every whim.
- [Tom Walker]: A clerk at the bank who came from humble beginnings, he is the clerk that the main character speaks to when they enter Faust's bank. He will have a series of associated side quests, serving the bank, which will cumulate in him denying his deal with Plutamon, resulting in Plutamon consuming his soul.
Name Origins
I googled the roman Gods of greed, and came up with Plutus and Mammon, so I mixed their names together.
Relationships with other gods
- He is the rival of Sid, the compassionate, who spurns the need for money.
- He is the banker of Dis, and funds his many schemes, when he sees a profit.
- He has a working relationship with Vulcanos, who will on occasion smith jewelry for him.
- He typically spurns Malacathe, because he sees destruction as wasteful, and prefers domination
- He desires the secrets of Illian, who of course denys him, though may give him scraps when she needs coin.