God: Illian - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki

##Abstract Illian is the god of Arcane secrets, also known as the DealMaker. She is the patron God of corrupt mages, whom she may help on a whim. When a mortal interests her, and she thinks of them as a potential container, she will slowly bend them to her will by offering more and more power. Usually her containers do not last long, as she channels too much energy into them, destroying them. She then views them with distain and tries to take another. She seeks dominion, and control over the mortal realm, and favors magic over all else. In her ideal world, those with magic would lord over those without, or kill them altogether.

###Assocated Elements Darkness and Water, basically darkness and pure magic and intellect, she isn't actually assocated with physical water

###Followers and Associates Because Your developer is lazy, this portion of the project is unfinished

###Relations with other gods Malacathe views her desire for supremacy as a weakness, but Thanatos and Dis both heed her counsel