God: Dis - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


God of the abyss, darkness and quiet, Dis prefers to be left alone, unless it senses that he can exert control. It is the son of one of the old gods, Nyx. It is formless, and is overcome with an all-consuming hunger when exposed to light. It relishes in control and finds an ally in Illian as they seek the same ends: total domination (however Dis doesn't care if the mages are on top). It is known as one of the weaker deities, who rarely directs events on it's own, but prefers to act through others that it manipulates, like Malacathe or (more rarely) Plutamon.

###Associated Element Darkness

###Name Origins Dis pater was another name for pluto, dis is also a moniker used in norse mythology

###Relationships with other gods

  • It is the enemy of Anu, who has banished it throughout the ages, when Dis is inspired to seek domination