Game: Story - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Though we may customize the main character later, right now he is male and with brown hair and eyes etc, though you may get to choose his name.
At the end of the age,
Seven stars will fall,
into the hands of men.
At the beginning of the next,
a mere mortal will rise,
to forge a new world with his will.
A fate-chosen human,
borne from the dirt,
will hold the fate of us all in his hand.
The main character wakes up to go downstairs and see his older brother John arguing with his father, over the Johns desire to go live in the city, and the father's desire for him to stay and help with the farm, as well as the father paying for reading lessons for the main character, but not for him. During the ensuing scene, John mocks the main character for being a sleepy head and then goes off to do chores. The father then tells the main character to take some money and go to the store for the family on the way home from his lessons with Brom, the town storyteller (yes, this is a reference to Eragon). Brom then introduces the character to some of the lore of the universe, teaching them to copy words from some of his books.
- Erebius, master of all, bearer of the seven stars, who once unified a broken world by ascending and bringing down the word of the gods, who years later destroyed the book he had written,
- Monsters, and how they came to be
- Rhea, Goddess of earth, the shepherd of shepherds, and her mythology
- The six stones- keys to the heavens, and the link between the magic of the gods and men
- The player can ask about dragon-riders as an easter egg to Eragon - Brom barks about how taming dragons is nonsense, and that they are too proud to ever have a human on their back
- The player can act bored, which prompts the next discussion
- NOTE: Exhaustion of the above topics will also lead to the next part of the discussion - Magic