Damage - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Derived Class
- No Derived Class
- None
Member Variables
- int m_content[30]
- This array holds the damage done by each of the elements for each attack. The elements are stored like this
- [0] = Fire
- [1] = Water
- [2] = Earth
- [3] = Air
- [4] = Light
- [5] = Dark
- [6] = Physical
- [7] = Magical
- [8] = true
- This damage cannot be blocked in any way - its the kind of damage that heal uses etc
- [9] = Burn
- Damages self 5% of maxHp when player executes a physical attack
- [10] = HeadAche
- Damages self 5% of maxHp when player executes a magical attack
- [11] = Wet
- Takes 20% less fire damage, 20% more Air Damage
- [12] = Poison
- Damages self 5% MaxHp at the end of every turn
- [13] = Toxic
- Damages self (5+intensity)% of maxHP on end of turn
- [14] = Stun
- 30% chance to skip turn
- [15] = Inspired
- (15+intensity)% damage bonus to magic attacks
- [16] = Furious
- (15+intensity)% damage bonus to physical attacks
- [17] = chilled
- 20% penalty to physical attack damage
- [18] = Frozen
- Skip turn - occurs when chilled is applied to a wet character
- [19] = Dispelled
- Ignores all positive status
- [20] = Haste
- Attacks twice
- [21] = Numb
- Can't use physical attacks
- [22] = Silence
- Can't use magical attacks
- [23] = Regen
- Heals self (5% of max HP) plus intensity at the end of each turn (before other damages are calculated
- [24] = phyShield
- Ignores (15+intensity)% of physical damage
- [25] = magShield
- Ignores (15+intensity)% of magical damage
- [26] = firShield
- ignores (15+intensity)% of fire damage
- [27] = wtrShield
- ignores (15+intensity)% of water damage
- [28] = ertShield
- ignores (15+intensity)% of earth damage
- [29] = AirShield
- ignores (15+intensity)% of air damage
- [30] = LgtShield
- ignores (15+intensity)% of light damage
- [31] = drkShield
- ignores (15+intenstiy)% of dark damage
- This array holds the status damage done by each attack. The text file corresponding to what each status does can be found here: Statuses
Just Constructor/Destructor/Getters/Setters
Corresponding Java File