CharacterIdeas - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


This page is for uncompleted character ideas/concepts

Patient Lawful Evil Character


An evil guy whose heart is broken that vows revenge

Associated Poem

When You hear fools speak,

of demons and devils,

Think always of me.

The wraith you made with "good intention"

The love you threw away for naught.

For I will be there, at your darkest hour,

The architect of your agony.

Then, when my face is revealed,

and you ask me - "Why?"

I will remind you of this moment,

And regret only that you are blind

to the suffering thoughtless laid upon me,

to the debt that you still owe.

Do not fear that you will leave the balance unpaid,

I will not let you die until I am justly satisfied.

Vague Teacher


I'm thinking like a teacher for the early game that potentially betrays them later


Real angels and demons aren't monsters but men,

reflections of power and virtue and sin.

To master a monster is an impossible task,

You can only master yourself.

Once you do this, all things will follow.

Fail, and you are as dust.

Worthless and forgotten.

Insane Paradox


This character is longing for something- and he is mad. This may be combined into the mad prophet, not sure yet.


What do I seek? I seek her.

Shes here and she's not,

She's found and she's sought.

A beautiful cat in a box;

She is my perfect paradox.

So I ask, who am I for you?

An end, and a beginning too.

Do I speak truth or only lie?

I tell you neither, instead both;

The death of weak, The seed for growth.

Young Widower

Associated Poem

Angry clouds clash 'cross the sky,

The day that summer comes to die.

The patient young man's bride's a corpse.

Though he knows she's dead, he also does not.

Her phantom whispers in his mind,

Her sweet words are cruel, and also kind.

He binds ghost shackles round his wrist,

Remembering lips he once had kissed.

And so he loves his zombie bride,

As others wish he also died.

Soon there is more life in bride than groom,

His body is a living tomb.

He smiles wide, a macabre fake

Each day another living wake

Suffering hero

Associated Poem

Love is written, on a ribbon,

Tied to the knife stabbed in his back.

Associated Poem 2

Without a fraction of the love he's shown,

He turns and faces hell alone.

His fate is cruel, he comes to die-

With fury, screams his final cry-

He yells in rage "I hold the gate"

He dies for love, an envied fate.

Drunken Fool


There is a game that women play,

Whose rules only they know.

Their poor victims delight and dismay,

Astonished by the show.