Character: Razoer - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


Razoer is a miniboss that was sent by Malorn to burn oaktree. Toward the end of the demo he will enter Oaktree and ignore the player, moving directly towards the church, where he will ask Michael for confession. If the player stands outside the confessional booth, they will hear the below easter egg conversation. Afterwards, Razoer kills Michael, and the destruction of Oaktree begins. John, the main characters brother, and his father mount a last stand- both are killed by Razoer, and the main character is knocked unconscious, thought dead. Later the main character can hunt Razoer aided by Axton, and Razoer can be either forgiven and redeemed (in which case the player has to fight Axton), sent to prison, sided with (in which case again you have to fight Axton) or slain.


If you enter the church at the end of the episode, if you access the confessional you will overhear a conversation between Michael and Razoer


  • Father Forgive me because I love to sin, my transgressions are many, let my confession begin


With Michael at end of demo

  • Razoer: "Father Forgive me because I love to sin, my transgressions are many, let my confession begin"

  • "As a child, we killed a brother, as he was soft and weak\nSavagery was virtue then, we cared not for the meek\nWith a thousand phantom knives we struck, and though my hand held only one,\n First guilt consumed, and bounded me, For what, a child, had done\n For though the knives we held were sharp, his skin was pierced by none. Though many knives had stabbed him, his flesh was pierced by only one. And the true knife, made of steel, was clutched in victims' hand\n Bright scarlet flowed from the wound, into the quiet sand. When I heard, I screamed in rage; to escape my guilt, I ran.\n Then my conscience screamed, and I killed it slow, just like that mother's son.\n My soul turned stone, with conscience gone, and the dark within me won"

  • "When I was young, my first true love, I quickly cast aside.\n For youthful cruelty and playful wrath, I did it for my pride.\n Fearful justice sought my blood, since tearful pool she cried\n With satan's smile and silver tongue, I laughed, and then I lied. I blamed the victim, to ease my guilt, and so my sin all did abide. When of course, the truth revealed, us foolish sinners denied."

First Encounter with Axton

  • "Brother come, and let us play, one light one dark, one wins the day."

Second Encounter with Axton

  • "Come now brother, it's time to die, your prophets word, is just a lie. Your churches faith gave men false hope- so they bind their knots with hangmans rope. Faith casts you willing into the void, so embrace your end, and be destroyed."

If Redeemed

  • Come now demon, and say farewell, its time for me to leave this hell. Demons and Angels warred in vain, the only victor innocent pain. The sacrifices hero made, will not be forgotten, will be repaid. Mans war is ended, there's changing tide, On the last war of the Gods, I'll be by your side.

If victorious

  • Brother, sinner, bow your head. Your God is gone, you'll soon be dead. This fight will end, the hour's late. The love of men, was beat by hate.