Character: Michael - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Michael is a young priest who resides in the chapel in the beginning town. The main characters father requests that Michael give a blessing over the main characters mothers grave on the anniversary of her death. At this time the main character can also ask about the Gods
[A]How many Are there?[To A1]
- "There are six, and One. The god above who showed Prophet Erebius his light showed us six faces: Anu, the father of light, Ahros the Judge, Velhu the merciful, Sid the compassionate, and Pythion, the redeemer who was redeemed"
What happened at the beginning?
- The book of the light tells us that in the beginning there was chaos- light flowed like water, and was inseparable from matter, waves of energy ripped through the universe that expanded and contracted at random. In this way, it lasted for a time longer than the human mind can comprehend. Perhaps the universe would have stayed that way except that the matter in the universe began to organize itself- like matter joining with like matter.
...zzz.zz.. Im so bored...
- Very well, young brains are loath to understand the deeper mysteries. Go and play.
What happened next?
Why did the matter organize itself like that?
- Well, it is important to remember that at this time in universal history there wasn't much difference between matter or energy, it was all just stuff that flowed around. Anyway, the matter began to organize itself based on like properties and became divided into two poles
- The book of the light tells us that in the beginning there was chaos- light flowed like water, and was inseparable from matter, waves of energy ripped through the universe that expanded and contracted at random. In this way, it lasted for a time longer than the human mind can comprehend. Perhaps the universe would have stayed that way except that the matter in the universe began to organize itself- like matter joining with like matter.