Character: Malorn - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


Malorn is the key antagonist of the first phase of the game, it is by his order that Oaktree is burned. He was once a vigilant, and a great friend of the Vigilant's head Vicente, however when his love is stolen from him, he is consumed by agony and madness- he hates and loves his betrayer, as he hates and loves himself. After he killed her, he had a change of heart and tried to save her, because in her dying breath she told him her betrayal was for duty, that she regretted what she had done, and that she loved him. He was unable to save her, and she died in his arms. His agony was so great that Malacathe, the god of destruction, sought to claim him as his container. To tempt him to the darkness, Malacathe promised him a tonic that would take away his agony - take away the connection he felt with the dead. Eagerly Malorn drank, however, the tonic only trapped his love in a quiet corner of his mind, leaving his hate as a funnel for Malacathe's Will, giving Malacathe near complete control over him. He seeks the destruction of the gods, and


  • "Love you say... I have another name for it, it is agony. "
  • "For love is temporary and will ripen into hate, as every connection you have in this life will be severed because all things end. Yet we cannot let go of the lost loves and so we turn to our only remaining sanctuary, hate."
  • "Why do I seek to destroy them? Because their lives are a farce, and they are blind. The 'virtuous' forever seek absolution for their countless sins, while the transparent, gluttonous guilty heedlessly follow their base desires, blind to a greater vision. Their sufferings feed Malacathe, who will lead them to their only meaningful moment: their end"
  • "You would serve? You think that Razoer gives you some capacity to take his place? Very well. Axton, that capricious paladin you serve. Kill him."
  • "You believe yourself above the masses simply because of a mark on your hand? What has this prophecy done for you, other than take you from your peaceful village and cast you on a path you are doomed to fail? What makes you better than the masses you seek to protect?"