Character: Lady Lackless - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki


Lady Lackless is the duchess of Newaven, and is called so because she is so rich she is said to lack for nothing. This is revealed to be false upon meeting her and working for her- her wealth has become like a prison. She asks you to retrieve seven things she is missing.

Associated Poem

A child's poem reveals the objects of Lackless's desire

Seven things has lady Lackless,

Lost to her by foolish largesse,

One's a word once spoken, kind,

now a rope, and ties that bind.

She had a ring of mist and wind,

A key that makes any lock bend.

She lost a blade that pays her mind,

One edge is cruel, the other kind.

###Other potential lines

One's a ring of mist and wind,

That knows its master, and their end,

She has an eye, not meant for men,

That tracks their virtue and calls it sin.

There is a knife, true blue cruel steel,

With violence makes her dream come real.

A seemless mask, to hide her face,

Upon her wrist, a tattooed ace.