Character: Brahm - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Brahm is an old storyteller in the village who teaches the children how to read and write. One of the Tasks that the main character has to complete in the beginning of the game is to go to Brahm for their lesson in writing. In his conversation tree, The character will be able to ask about different kinds of history. Ostensibly, the character will be copying down words from old books, in reality, Brahm will be explaining the foundation of the game world. The choices for the main character to study from are:
Erebius and the beginning of the age
The Gods and their place in the world
- Brahm gives a brief overview but recommends that they ask the priest any more questions when pressed
The source of magic
- Brahm explains about the six stones- heavenly objects circling the earth that are the source of all magic
Dragon riders
- As an easter egg to Eragon, The main character can ask about dragon riders- Brahm will say such a thing is preposterous- dragons are prideful angry beasts and would never brook carrying a human on their backs
I don't care, I want to go play
- If the player acts like they don't care, they will be allowed to exit the conversation without learning anything about the world around them.
- The natural Elements occur in a dominating cycle, water dominates fire which dominates air which dominates earth, which in turn dominates water. The Moral Elements, however, are unnatural- they represent the order that we impose upon the world and as such are diametrically opposed; light dominates darkness just as darkness dominates light
Character Sprite Inspiration
Brahm's character sprite is loosely based on Gonzor Shaman from Mardek
Character Name Inspiration
Brahm is based both on Ajahn Brahm and on Brom from the Inheritance Cycle