Home - JayhawkZombie/EECS581Project GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the SFEngine wiki!
This repo is frozen. The code base has been migrated to a new repo for further development. It will be posted here when the migration is complete.
Right now our focus is keeping the programming team all on the same page, but we hope in the future to have a wiki dedicated to our fans so they don't have to make their own!
Current version of SFML being used: 2.4.2 (please update your local SFML build)
Important wiki additions
Third Party Libraries
Known Issues
Using SFML
Using/Running The Engine
Handling Events
Reacting to User Events
Timed Action Sequencing
Game Mechanics
Fight Classes
Character Classes
- RPGActor
- HumanActor
- Party: Contains 4 FightActors
- Conversation