Compare Leader Setups - JayFM38/Terminator-Genesys-Item-Planer GitHub Wiki

Compare Leader Setups

You have the possibility to compare two Setups ("old Set" and "new Set") with each other.

Either you define the old Setup by selecting Leaderitems from the Comboboxes (Aktuelles Set), or u define directly bonus values of an Setup in the TextBoxes. Just make sure to check the Checkboxes of the values you want to set directly. You can combine both possibilities. Select items and set some bonus directly.

Altes Set

After Selecting just hit accept button and ur "old Setup" is set.

Now you can set your new Setup by selecting items in the Comboboxes right next to to old setup (Neues Set). The Checkboxes here are only important for tha auto-generation function, this will be described later.

Neues Set

If u selected ur Setup press accept.

Now you can see under "Boni Übersicht" the whole comparison betwenn your selected "old" and "new" Setups.
