Auto Configure Setup - JayFM38/Terminator-Genesys-Item-Planer GitHub Wiki
You have the possibility to search for the strongest setups with your custom bonus weighting. Press the Setup Button to open bonus factor definition.
To define your custom bonus values press the setup Button net to "Auto Generate"-Button.
In the new Frame you can set the values for each bonus typ. Hicg values means high priority. If you done setup press "save"-button.
Now you have further selection possibilities. You can let the Generator limit amount of result sets.
You also can let the generator consider amount of owned components. Just set the max difference between owned an needed components for the generated sets.
Last but not least you can exclude leaderitems from auto generating.
Just select an item in the "neues Set" view, check the checkbox next to him and press accept. The auto generator now generates sets wieout changing this item.