3. Working - JayBox325/JayPack GitHub Wiki

Initial setup

When everything is installed you will need to run npm run build so JayPack prepares your project depending on if you are building a static project or one with a CMS.

Working commands

There are four commands to run JayPack as follows:

  • npm run watch - Compile everything then start watching a selection of source files
  • npm run production - Same as the watch command above, but include minification for production
  • npm run build - Build all your source files, but still in your development environment so sourcemaps will be included and nothing will be minified
  • npm run package - Package your project. This will remove all the sourcemaps and minify everything ready for launch


JayPack uses TailwindCSS, because it rules.

To get your project started you will need to set up your project theme colours in the ./_gulp/tailind.config.js file around line 20.

Note that whenever you update anything within the _gulp directory, you will need to restart your local gulp instance so it gets your changes. Do this by re-running npm run start.