2.2 Integrating JayCraft - JayBox325/JayPack GitHub Wiki

JayCraft is a CraftCMS boilerplate built with a lot of project config set up and common plugins already installed.


JayCraft is setup using a Composer package hosted on Packagist. You will need to install Composer, if you haven't got it already.

If your project is a CraftCMS site, you will need to configure your Localhost URL in the ./project-config file so Browsersync can continue to be helpful when things are updated.

To get started with JayCraft within JayPack, create an empty ./build directory in the root of the project (if you are converting from a static project to a CMS, just empty the current ./build directory) and setup JayPack with the Composer commend:

composer create-project JayBox325/JayCraft .

⚠ Note that setting up the CraftCMS project with Composer will fail if the ./build directory is not empty.

Configuring JayCraft

  1. Populate the /build/.env file with your Localhost details (Security Key, local db password, local db name and your default site URL)
  2. Set up a local MAMP instance (or whatever you use to run local projects) and database that matches the details from your .env file
  3. Import the initial Database located in /_db to your local environment db