Default Keys - Jaxelr/Nancy.RapidCache GitHub Wiki
By default, the cache uses the base url path as a key for returning an object from the cache, so for example the following urls:
Are equally cached as http://localhost:5000/api/mypath
since the query strings are not part of the base url. Certainly, this is not suitable for REST URIs, but we can easily adapt to this situation using the Default Key Generator:
using Nancy.RapidCache.Extensions;
using Nancy.Routing;
using Nancy.TinyIoc;
using Nancy.Bootstrapper;
namespace MyCustomWebApp
public class ApplicationBootrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void ApplicationStartup
(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)
base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);
ApplicationPipelines, new[] { "query" });
This way, we can easily cache specifically by different (optional) query strings added.
Caching while using content negotiation on NancyFx
Nancy has the capability of allowing us to use Content Negotiation to return a response serialized as requested on the Accept header. See here for more details...
But the way rapid cache is currently configured, it doesn't validate the Accept headers to create a filter key, therefore adding Accept headers of application/json
or application/xml
to our requests will be equated. To solve this a declaration of accept is allowed on the Default key generator:
using Nancy.RapidCache.Extensions;
using Nancy.Routing;
using Nancy.TinyIoc;
using Nancy.Bootstrapper;
namespace MyCustomWebApp
public class ApplicationBootrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void ApplicationStartup
(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)
base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines, new[] { "accept" });
Default Keys options
These are the options provided by the default cache key that can be combined to generate a unique resource based on the granularity described:
Option | Description |
query | The query string optional values provided |
accept | the accept headers included on the requests |
form | the form posted from the request (useful for webpages) |
If these options are not detailed enough for the requests given, there is always the possibility to extend the ICacheKeyGenerator to use the desired request information. See this link